Tag Archives: Gratitude

Gratitude for Letting Go

My feelings were hurt the other day when someone in a writing group I belong to–the moderator, no less–commented “Fiction” to my blog post about my trip last weekend to Williamstown and Petersburg, Kentucky. My initial response was to engage … Continue reading

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Gratitude for Anxiety (Really?)

I think of this mural in Springfield, Missouri, every time I find myself getting anxious about something that’s expected to happen in the future. In this case, Wind. I’m getting all wound up over something I CANNOT control. Now that … Continue reading

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Grateful for Safe Arrival

The sign for Brackenridge Recreation Complex was a welcome sight after three days of travel, 725 miles, and … Houston.🙏🏽 Ugh! I am SO grateful that city is in the rearview mirror. I’m grateful that diesel is a lot cheaper … Continue reading

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Gratitude for Peace

Over time, the habit of practicing gratitude has had such a profound and positive effect on me, that I can’t stop. Not that I’d want to. It’s made me aware of the sheer abundance of my blessings🙏🏽—both tangible and intangible—especially … Continue reading

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Gratitude for Humility

The most colorful characters I’ve ever known are people I’ve met in recovery. Every one has a story, and so many of stories are hilarious. Also sad and very pathetic. I can relate to them all. But by the time … Continue reading

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Challenge accepted!

Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation. – Bernie Siegel, American writer January 20th, 2021. Today’s gratitude topic, Divine Order, was the 81st of a Gratitude Challenge that began on November 1st, 2020. The idea of … Continue reading

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