In an effort to help our aging pup, Biscuit, cope with her hot flashes, we ordered a cooling pad (from Amazon, of course) sight unseen and fingers crossed. It arrived yesterday, and I’m grateful that’s she’s taken to it.
Biscuit has slept on our bed her whole life (lucky dog!) but lately her hot flashes had gotten so bad that she couldn’t relax, much less sleep. Neither could anyone else. She panted so hard, trying to cool herself down. Given her age, 14-and-a-half years old, it was taxing and very hard to watch. Hence, the cooling mat.
It arrived yesterday afternoon, and what a difference it has already made! I’m so grateful that she’s not panting and vibrating uncontrollably next to me as I write this, but sleeping soundly instead. I’m grateful she’s gotten relief.
Rest and be thankful. ~William Wordsworth
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In a very ironic twist of events, I forgot to post my gratitude blog about memory after writing about it the other day. All I can figure is that I put the piece on the back burner, perhaps with the intention of ‘tweaking’ it…and then forgot about doing that, too. I’m re-thinking that particular post since apparently my memory isn’t all that great, but I know that at the time I wrote it, I was indeed grateful for being able to memorize a passage from the Bible (an assignment for the Bible study I attend here at the resort.)
The realization of my mistake happened yesterday, immediately after posting the gratitude blog I’d just composed. Upon getting the “Published” notice, I caught a glimpse of what I’d written the day before, “Gratitude for Memory” in the drafts folder , and initially, my heart sank. I’m diligent about writing daily, and to discover I’d ‘messed up’ had the potential to stir up anger and self- condemnation. I can be so hard on myself.
But then, almost miraculously, I burst out laughing. It might have been the absurdity of a missed post ruining my day, but whatever it was, suddenly it didn’t matter. I just made sure to post it and chalked the whole episode up to experience. Laughing out loud diffused my self-deprecation instantly—and what a blessing that is. Laughter IS the best medicine!
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For the first time in forever, I’ve been tasked to memorize something. In this case, it’s a passage from the Bible (for the Bible study I’ve recently begun attending.) I must say, I’m surprising myself. With three days to go, I know 2 Chronicles 30:8-9 by heart, so I know I can do it. I am thrilled and extremely grateful for the ability to recite from memory; losing it is a fear I’ve had ever since my dad lost his to Alzheimer’s disease.
As daunting as it first seemed, I’m grateful for this assignment. I’m grateful for being pushed to do something I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise. I’m even grateful for the passage I was led to memorize; it resonates for some reason.
To be truthful, my first thought at hearing the assignment was, I’ll probably skip that class. But since I’m trying to be a better Maria than I was yesterday, I knew in my heart what was the right thing to do. It’s frustrating and it’s not been easy, but I’m grateful for rising to the challenge. I’m learning more than I expected.
Now do not be stiff-necked, as your fathers were, but yield yourselves to the Lord; and enter His sanctuary, which He has sanctified forever, and serve the Lord your God, that the fierceness of His wrath may turn away from you. For if you return to the Lord, your brethren and your children will be treated with compassion by those who lead them captive, so that they may come back to this land; for the Lord your God is gracious and merciful, and will not turn His face from you if you return to Him. ~2 Chronicles 30:8-9
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Yesterday I helped my friend learn how to attach photos to text messages and e-mails, and I had so much fun! I was grateful to be able to figure out her phone first (an android), so I learned something new myself. We had fun morning learning new things together.
There were so many cute moments! She found joy in simply learning the basics, like tapping on the photos icon to open up all her photos. We practiced taking photos, and she got such a kick out of learning how to take selfies! When I showed her all the options she’d have just by tapping on the circle with three dots or the greater/less than sign, you’d have thought I’d handed her keys to a treasure trove! Her joy-filled responses were precious to me, and I was overcome with warm fuzzies that made me happy all over. She’s a smart cookie and seemed to catch on to my instructions, so when it looked like she was no longer intimidated by the various symbols (because you can always “go back,” or at the very worst, turn off the phone completely and reboot) I left so that she could play.
The joy came around full-circle last night when I opened my email and found a message from my friend—with photos (plural!) attached. It made me SO happy that she was toying around with her phone and practicing and having fun! I’m grateful for the opportunity to help my friend and, in the process, learn something new as well. I’m grateful for the little things that make me happy!
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~Luke 6:38
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Yesterday I washed our car and am grateful for the huge sense of satisfaction that gave me. I’m grateful the resort allows us to wash our vehicles at our site, even RVs, because the salt air is hard on everything.
I’m grateful my parents instilled the value of taking care of things so that they’ll last longer. That goes for everything, temporal or spiritual. If I want to keep anything in good condition—possessions, relationships, my health— I have to pay attention to it. That requires time.
Now that I’m on the downward slope of this lifetime, I don’t want to waste any time. Thanks to untreated ADHD, I almost always have to be doing something and, thanks to sobriety, it’s usually productive. While we’ve been here in Rockport, I’ve gone through every cubby and closet, weeded out things no longer worn or used, and taken at least four big bags of donations to the local thrift shop (NOT Goodwill.) Lightening my load is liberating, and I’m grateful when I can let go of material things that are just taking up space. In a 40’ motorhome, that’s important.
That being said, today’s project is sorting through mail and paperwork and filing. Except for routine things like housework and laundry, I’m caught up with my To Do’s, so there’s no good reason to procrastinate any longer. It’s probably my least favorite job, but the prize (more space/less clutter) is worth it to me. I’m grateful for appreciating what I have.
Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. ~Galatians 6:4
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A young teenage girl who’s been missing since the first of the month was found yesterday in Pennsylvania, more than 700 miles from her home in Kentucky, not far from where we used to live. I’m grateful for her safe return, and to all the law enforcement officers who worked tirelessly for her safe return. I can only imagine the ecstatic relief her poor parents must feel. Their child who was gone is now home!
Her disappearance hit close to home, not only because she’s my granddaughter’s classmate, but because my own father went missing once. He’d been showing signs of dementia, but stubbornness and denial kept him working part-time well into his 80’s. One day he didn’t come home, and that sent my family into a panic. A policeman brought him home more than 24 hours later; his car was found more than ten miles away, in a very bad part of town. We were so happy to have him back!! But where was he all this time??? How did he get from there to here? Who’d emptied his wallet? So many questions had to go unanswered because my dad couldn’t remember, and they had to remain mysteries. We were just so happy to have my dad back, safe and sound.
I’m grateful this girl has been found and for the joyful relief of all those who love her. I pray that whatever underlying issues she may have are recognized and addressed because life is much harder for kids to navigate these days…they need all the love, help, and support they can get. I’m grateful for the hope of healing. ❤️🩹
‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep which was lost!’ I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance. ~Luke 15:6-7
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It’s not yet 7 a.m. and I’ve been awake for about five hours. Here I had planned to write today about finally getting a good nights sleep now that Biscuit was sleeping in the main cabin. It’s been about four consecutive nights. But that was obviously not meant to be.
I was initially awakened when Victor (our chihuahua) clumsily repositioned himself against me and promptly fell back asleep—but then I heard the unmistakable sound of Biscuit making her way from the main cabin into the bedroom. I thought, Ugh…so much for sleeping through the night, and then, Get up before it’s too late. Thinking of possible consequences was reason enough to get up, get dressed, and get her outside.
While Biscuit relieved herself, I thanked God for being able to get it together in time; it’s only been a little over a week since her barfing-in-the-bed incident, and I was grateful to have avoided clean up of any sort. She’s 14 years old and not in good health. I sometimes joke that we’re all seniors and just walking each other home. I love my pup, and I’m grateful I get to help her along.
While I was out there, I noticed that it was very warm. 70 degrees in the middle of the night in March, so I said Thanks! for that, too, as well as for the safety of this RV park at o’dark:30. I don’t take the blessing of being South for the winter for granted, especially as each year goes by. Nothing lasts forever, and I know our RVing days are numbered. That realization makes me appreciate what is and be grateful for the now so much more.
I never did get back to sleep, and that’s okay. I went to bed at 8:00 last night, so I’m grateful for having gotten some rest. It’s enough, at least for now. Rather than think of any lack, I think of the abundance of having that much more time today, and that puts a whole new spin on it. I am indeed blessed.
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. ~Lamentations 3:22-23
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On the recommendation of our friend Lee, we took a road less traveled in Aransas Pass yesterday and discovered many really neat things. It was an exciting discovery! Unless one knows where to turn in town, this gem can be easily missed, as this whole area is seen daily from high above the bridge crossing the bay by thousands of people headed either to or from the Port Aransas ferry. Down a narrow side road lies Harbor Island. The road becomes much better (indeed, it’s probably the ‘newest’ part of Aransas Pass) and opens up to all that’s there: a nicely paved and well-marked bike path, a very busy boat yard filled with shrimp boats and yachts, a couple of ship stores, a multi-lane boat launch, plenty of room to set up for the day and cast a line, a restaurant, a couple of memorials…this place had it all. And I’m grateful for the awesome bike ride we had there!
I’m grateful for new paths that often lead to delightful discoveries. Just last week, we ventured off a waterfront farm-to-market road onto TWO obscure waterfront communities whose existence was unknown had it not been for Google Earth. What abundance! Not so much in ostentatious mega-homes (though I have no doubt they’ll be built here someday), but in the sheer vastness of the town we’re presently in. It does not cease to amaze me that there is still so much vacant land (within a stone’s throw to the water) here. There is definitely lots more to Rockport than meets the eye. I’m grateful to see abundance all around me.
When I think about it, it’s because of taking a different path that my life has been as interesting as it’s been. I guess I’ve always thought, “What’s the worst that can happen if I do such and such …?” That cavalier attitude could have gotten me into a whole lot more trouble than it did if not for God’s unlimited grace. I’m grateful for the blessings of taking the road less traveled: the lessons, the challenges, the experiences, the friendships, the opportunities, and the memories. 🙏🏽
The Lord is able to give thee much more than this. ~2 Corinthians 25:9
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For several days I’ve been trying to learn a new app, one that enables editing of photographs. What I wanted to do—to simply add text to a photo—was not intuitive on this particular app, and I found myself getting more and more frustrated.
Whenever my daughter tells me about a challenge she’s facing, whether it’s business or personal, I always remind her that she is not the first person in the world to have that challenge, whatever it may be. Sure, the particulars may be different, but whatever the challenge is, it most likely has been confronted before by someone. Long story short: the answer is out there somewhere.
I’m grateful I take my own advice. Once I had had enough frustration, I was willing to search for another option. But I had to get to that point. Isn’t that the way it always is? At least that’s how it is with me: I have to continue beating my head against a wall before it occurs to me that my head hurts. (By the way, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.)
The point is that I finally started researching options, and it didn’t take long to find the solution. It’s called Apple Markup, and it’s free (versus the $199.99 the other app would have charged annually.) I’m sure a similar product is available for Androids. I searched on ‘add text to iPhone photos’ and found just where I was looking for. I’m grateful for the mounting dissatisfaction that led me to look for options.
I’m grateful for all the times dissatisfaction has worked in my favor. It’s always stretched me beyond my comfort zone, and I’ve always learned something new. I’m grateful old dogs can learn new tricks.
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. ~Proverbs 18:15
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I took yesterday off and played hooky from writing gratitude, taking a spontaneous drive to Victoria where there’s an Aldi grocery store (which is a whole gratitude post all its own.) I’m grateful for the break; I love writing, and I certainly feel gratitude every single day, but I had writer’s block yesterday. I’m grateful that, today, I don’t mentally beat myself up when I can’t muster up any creativity. I used to…but these days, acceptance comes easier than it used to. And what a blessing that is when it spills over into other facets of life! With acceptance comes peace.
I’m grateful for awakening early enough this morning to do my entire morning routine—coffee, devotionals, shower and eat breakfast—in time to go to a Sunday morning AA meeting. I counted more than 20 of us, and a lot of sobriety was in the room. Thank God, truly! I’m indebted and forever grateful for the program of Alcoholics Anonymous; that it’s is all over the world, even here; for those at the meeting—for their experience, strength and hope, and for the hilarious oyster-eating story someone told. I’m grateful for this day that’s falling into place nicely.
I’m grateful for swinging by the vacant corner lot where the bluebonnets are in bloom and photographing them. I’m grateful that I don’t have to drive far to see them, like most who love them like I do. I’m grateful for this beautiful, sunny Sunday.
May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. ~ Psalm 90:17
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