Gratitude for Prayer Answered

I’ve been having mixed emotions about my husband verbally acknowledging that our previous way of dealing with our pup’s reoccurring tumors—surgery—wasn’t an option anymore. He didn’t elaborate, but I think I know what he meant. “I didn’t know you’d gotten to that point,” I said, to which he nodded. Nothing more was said. Biscuit is the sweetest dog we’ve ever had, and I love her. But surgery is harder on her the older she gets and the tumor is only getting bigger.

I have been praying that my husband accept reality—that a third operation in the same place on a 15-year-old dog would probably not be wise for a number of reasons (her ability to handle the anesthesia, how her body would recover, the almost certainty that the tumors would return.) While I’m extremely grateful that the cost wouldn’t even be an issue, I know that money doesn’t buy happiness—or immortality.

We’re scheduled to leave Rockport in a week and be home in just a few days. Knowing what’s ahead for Biscuit is not going to make the next few weeks easy, but we will savor the time that we have left. As it is, we already spoil the heck out of her, so our efforts will probably multiply. I’m grateful we have some time to make plans. I’m sure we’ll talk with our vet about what’s best for Biscuit.

I must remember that my plans are fluid, at best. The future is in the One who created all things. We’re just walking one another home, one day at a time.

How blessed is the man who has made the Lord his trust,
And has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood.
~Psalm 40:4

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Gratitude for Troublesome People

I had an interesting experience at the laundromat yesterday. Actually, in the parking lot.

I’d gone back to the car to knit while my throw rugs were being washed when I heard a woman’s voice nearby. “Excuse me, ma’am….” I looked up from my knitting to see her standing right there next to my window and, when she’d seen that she’d gotten my attention, proceeded to chastise me for having a Montana license plate. I was completely caught off guard and startled—I didn’t know what to say. She was obviously offended by why she assumed I had Montana plates. I sat in stunned silence as she got into her vehicle and drove off.

I’ll never know exactly why she was offended. By what she said, it was clear she didn’t have all the facts, but there was nothing I could’ve said that would’ve changed her mind. I thought it was sad that anyone would be so disturbed by something so insignificant as a license plate that they felt that they had to express their feelings—not for dialogue’s sake, but to admonish. I doubt doing so made her happy.

This practice of daily gratitude has taught me a thing or two about doing what doesn’t come naturally. That is, to immediately diffuse my negativity by expressing gratitude for what had just happened. So I did it even though I didn’t mean it. I tried thinking of reasons to be grateful for what had just happened, but it wasn’t easy. But just for starters, I was grateful that occurrences like that are the exception in my life.

The practice of gratitude encourages me to turn a negative situation around by viewing it as a lesson, so I’m working on that. Realizing that there are a lot more positive people in my life than negative ones is a tremendous blessing—and this experience makes me realize that I’ve taken that for granted. I’m grateful for difficult people who show me exactly what I don’t want to be.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. ~ James 1:12

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Gratitude for What IS

Waking up to discover one of our pups had had an accident was not expected, but not entirely surprising given her age and physical condition. I’m grateful I’m past the irritation of getting up with her at all hours of the night and just getting on with whatever needs to be done to remedy the current situation—in this case, cleaning up the mess and taking the throw rugs to the laundromat later. I’m grateful it’s becoming easier to accept a situation rather than complain about it. I’m grateful to finally “get” that the only thing that can be changed about anyone or anything is my attitude and subsequently, my behavior.

Along the lines of acceptance, I’ve been working on accepting changes that are happening in my lifestyle—namely, no longer workamping in the summer, or doing much traveling to speak of. Not that I don’t want to; it’s my husband’s preference. It’s a bitter pill because I love everything about traveling: the places and the people there, the planning, anticipating, enjoying. I’m already missing it.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from practicing gratitude daily is that all I HAVE is to today, and when I live in sincere thankfulness for all I have today, I trust that tomorrow will be alright. However it turns out to be. I’ve learned that living in grateful brings peace and contentment in the present moment, and that’s quite a gift!

Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. ~Proverbs 15:16

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Gratitude Every Day

The sound of my pup falling off the bed and onto the floor woke me out of a deep sleep shortly before midnight, but he managed to sleep right through. After retrieving him, I tried going back to sleep but couldn’t, so I’ve been up since midnight. It’s now just past noon.

I’m grateful to be able to function on less sleep than most people, and I’m grateful to be a morning person. That’s doesn’t make me special; it’s the way I’ve always been ever since I can remember. I’m grateful I didn’t get mad or resentful for being fully awake at such an obscene hour, but instead surrendered to what is and the fact that God had already planned out my day. Life’s easier when I go with the flow.

After three and a half hours, during which time I read and also worked on a knitting project, I was able to doze off for a little while before “getting up” for good. I was grateful for the short respite; I was awake for the final Bible study of the season at 10. The rest of the day is uncertain; I have no idea when I’m going to give out and have to lay down and take a nap, but I’m sure the time is coming. And when it does, I’ll be grateful for the rest!

I’ve come to realize that persistent gratitude is very much like taking a vitamin for the soul; studies indicate that people who practice gratitude regularly are indeed healthier and happier than those who don’t. So, I’m grateful for the very unusual way this day started and is going; however it goes, God’s got it all figured out.

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. ~Proverbs 3:5-6

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Gratitude for Good Habits

If not for the habit of trying to practice daily gratitude, the mess I discovered in the refrigerator first thing this morning probably would have ruined my whole Monday. As it was, I was grateful for the drawer that the bag of partially frozen chili was in because it caught all the liquid that had somehow seeped out of the freezer bag. It was a mess, but not nearly the mess it would have been had I just put the bag on one of the shelves to defrost.

I noticed my attitude of quiet acceptance to the discovery—so very different from how I used to react in the past to unpleasant situations. What a change. I’ve been doing that more lately—noticing changes within myself. Most have been for the better, and I’m grateful for that. I’m cognizant of my behavior more often than not now, and that’s a definite result of gratitude. I’m so much more aware of my blessings, that the occasional, inevitable setbacks are accepted more easily. And that’s a blessing in itself, because that’s Life!

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, ~Ephesians 2:8

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Gratitude for Cloudy Days

Today’s the fifth day in a row that it’s been windy, cold and cloudy…and I’m grateful. It’s Spring Break, so I’ve been staying close to home more this month than usual anyway, and cloudy skies make it more palatable and productive, too.

Cloudy skies are a good excuse for quiet activities, like reading and knitting and writing, things I enjoy doing but for some reason can’t sit still for too long when the weather is nice and beckons me outdoors. I’m doing more of all three lately. Plus, the usual chores and even some that get done only occasionally are getting done without bother since they provide some ‘activity,’ and I don’t feel so guilty for eating all the food I’m baking—comfort food lately, considering the weather.

The next ten days are predicted to be mostly cloudy and windy, with the sun coming out one day and possibly two. So what?! I’m grateful that a cloudy day at the beach is still a day at the beach!

Do you know how the clouds are balanced, those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge? ~Job 37:16

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Gratitude for Ordinary Days

My love of writing doesn’t necessarily mean that I always have something to write about. Sometimes, when I can’t think of a topic to write about, I just get started on the day and hope an idea comes to me. Such was the case today, and for that I’m grateful. It used to be that I’d wrack my brain trying to come up with something, and when the right words didn’t come, I’d feel like a failure. I’m grateful I don’t do that anymore.

A cold front moved through making indoor activities attractive, so I’ve been baking this morning. I’m grateful that we already had all the ingredients for both a tuna casserole AND a Dutch apple pie, so I didn’t have to go to the grocery store. All the while I assembled what I needed for each recipe, gratitude was on my mind: for being productive, for using items alright on hand, for cooking things my husband likes, for keeping busy. In the middle of it all, my daughter called and we talked for nearly half an hour; I’m so grateful for our good relationship. Now I have a ton of dishes that need washing, and I’m grateful for that, too. It’s not yet noon, so I’m grateful to have all afternoon to play.

March is spring break month and Rockport’s been inundated with spring breakers. I’m grateful we had January and February to explore and enjoy this area because now I’d rather give way to the spring breakers and just stay close to home. I’m grateful for being able to entertain myself with knitting, reading, or even just puttering; I’m grateful for always being able to find something to do. I’m content with the ordinary.

Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. ~ Jeremiah 6:16

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Gratitude for Simple Things

Ever since coming out of the womb, I’ve been full of energy and hyperactivity. It was never addressed medically, which I’m grateful for because medication probably wouldn’t have been a good solution for me, given my tendency to overdo. Because it’s impossible for me to sit still for any length of time, “going outside” has always been where I gravitated, but even there I have to be doing something besides just sitting.

Wind is an almost-daily consideration here in Rockport as it was the five winters we spent in Bandera, so it just seemed natural to get a kite. I love flying kites!! I’ve gotten hooked on it, especially the rush I get when the wind grasps the kite and the challenge to keep it aloft begins. It’s a safe, healthy and inexpensive form of entertainment (my cheapest kite was $5 and the last recent one cost $20), it’s a solitary endeavor, and there’s no limit to how long or short of a time you can have fun doing it

I am blown away (no pun intended) by the lessons kite flying teaches. For one thing, I have to pay close attention while I’m doing it, something that’s a challenge all its own. The wind can be so fluky, I can’t take my eyes off the kite lest it take off erratically or worse yet, suddenly nosedive and crash. The reel always needs to be held firmly and the length of the string constantly monitored (hopefully without cutting my finger): more line because of a wind gust, and other times reeled in some line because the winds have died down. While doing that, I still have to be aware of obstacles, and they’re all about—telephone lines, tree branches, other kites being flown, obstacles on the ground around me that I could run into or trip over. The list goes on. And I love everything about it.

Sometimes I feel childish for getting a kick out of something so simple, but such is the pleasure of the little things in life. I’m grateful for simple things that bring me joy.

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit. ~John 3:8

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Gratitude for Gratitude

There’s a little shop in Port Aransas, Texas that lifts my spirits every time I go past it. Its eye-catching exterior is captivating and alluring and it’s hard to drive past without stopping to look at what’s inside. Unsurprisingly, the interior is decorated every bit as cute as the outside, packed jam full of anything and everything “gratitude.” I thought it was wonderful that there are so many charming accessories and trinkets to remind people to think that way. Indeed, living in gratitude is a state of mind.

Being grateful is simple, but it’s not always easy. I can see where reminders would come in handy. It’s easy to be grateful for the obvious (food, clothing, shelter, family, friends, a reliable vehicle, getting that job, a beautiful day, etc), but not so much when challenges arise. Getting caught in traffic. Flat tires. Not getting my way. Accidents. Health issues. Pain. Death. That’s when I have to really dig deep and make myself do what I don’t want to do, which isn’t easy. At all. But I try to remember to THINK “Thank you,” because that’s what I’ve learned to do.

Being grateful during challenges doesn’t change the circumstance whatsoever, but it does change my reaction to it somehow. For one thing, it puts the emphasis on something other than ‘me,’ so I’m less apt to feel like a victim. Gratitude allows a few precious seconds for grace to seep through, and its calming effect is obvious, even to me. Since the only thing I can control is myself and my reactions to what is essentially LIFE, I try to make gratitude my go-to response to most things these days, so that at the very least, I react sanely. “Try” being the operative word. A funky little shop such as Gratitude and all the reminder merchandise it offers sure would make the effort more fun. I believe I just wrote myself into going back there today!

For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God. Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. ~ 2 Corinthians 4:15-16

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Gratitude for What Is

Except for when the due date for my firstborn was grossly miscalculated, I don’t recall there being such an uncertain time such as we have now, at least in my 69 years. In just the last few weeks alone, there’ve been multiple toxic train derailments, fires that have destroyed egg production and food manufacturing facilities, Chinese spy balloons, and just recently, banks going belly up. Even the weather has been a mess, especially where snowfall has exceeded 100 inches in some places, causing roofs to collapse, houses to explode and consternation both in the air and on the ground.

I haven’t watched television for several years and pay little attention to the mainstream news, but I know that our country’s in moral decline, too many people are dying from drugs, homelessness and crime are rampant, and World War III wouldn’t be a surprise. Sometimes I wonder What’s next? Or, How much longer is this going to go on?

I’m grateful I’ve learned to take each day as it comes, not take any “news” seriously, and make the day as best I can. My “making the best of it” includes beginning each day with first saying “thank you” to God for a good night’s sleep and waking up soberly, because my entire rest of the day depends on just that. That’s the truth. I’ve had the same daily routine for years that starts as soon as the coffee’s ready which includes Bible reading and praying, practices that give me hope and peace in the moment. I know I can’t control anything outside of me, so I do what works on what I can control—namely, my own thoughts and actions. It’s been a long haul, but I am sensing a major change within. I’m discovering what Peace feels like, and I like it! As the world and everything in it gets turned upside down, I’m more aware of getting the opportunity to be thankful in ALL circumstances. I have faith that this, too, shall pass.

Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~ Robert Schuller

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