Gratitude for Sight

Practicing gratitude and trying to be thankful for all circumstances has heightened my general awareness, particularly of things I have been taking for granted all my life. My eyes being one of them. Or is is two? Regardless, I have gotten into the daily practice of thanking God for opening my eyes to yet another day, and that’s a good tone to wake up to.🙏🏽

Being a morning person, I’ve always felt lucky to be privy to seeing sights sleeping souls will never know: the night sky, for example. 🙏🏽 This is one of the reasons I don’t mind taking our pups outside to pee at o’dark:30.

This very morning though, my timing must’ve been right, because I saw a pre-dawn delight! 🙏🏽Timing really is everything, especially with everything in the sky

See the Dipper?

My eyesight has never been good. Eyeglasses, hard contacts, soft contacts, lasik—my eyes have had all types of correction.🙏🏽 My vision is poor and getting worse by the day it seems, but even so, my eyes are healthy.🙏🏽 Now I’m wearing TRI-focals (sometimes) and I’m grateful for them.🙏🏽 The worse my vision gets, the more I appreciate my eyes.🙏🏽

In gratitude I walk in an awareness and wonder of God’s creations, and that’s affected my focus. I pay attention to what’s around me more than I used to, 🙏🏽 and I discovered that it isn’t just snowflakes that are all somehow different—NO two things are identical! God is so amazing.

A cloudy sky, but the Dipper is still there!

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. ~Job 9:10

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Grateful for Hearing

I readily admit that I take my five senses for granted, which is probably why the idea for this subject of ‘senses’ presented itself. God always provides.🙏🏽 HEARING. My sense of hearing enables me to hear loved ones’ voices, my pup’s bark to be let in, birds chirping, sweet music, baseball play-by-plays, the relaxing patter of rain on the roof, a knock at the door, the timer that sounds when the bread has finished baking and so much more. 🙏🏽 My sense of hearing warns me when I hear the sirens of fire trucks and police cars, train whistles, horns, backing up beeps, the approach of another, and so much more.🙏🏽 My sense of hearing even forewarns me when I hear one of my grand babies cry, a faucet dripping incessantly, when the black water tank needs emptying, when things just don’t sound right, and so much more. 🙏🏽

I’m grateful for gentle reminders of things I take for granted.🙏🏽

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. ~Psalm 139:14

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Gratitude for Variety

One of the blessings of this mobile lifestyle is the continual flow of others with whom we have something in common, in this case, RVing and travel. 🙏🏽 Life is never boring.🙏🏽 The resort community here consists of owners, renters, workers, and workampers from all walks of life, and they come from all over the United States and Canada. Quite a variety! Having once been one myself, I like to make the acquaintance of workampers when they first arrive and make them feel welcome, a part of. Workampers earn their keep, and I’m appreciative of what they do here. I know I don’t know what ALL their duties are, but I know enough to know that they do a LOT.

Two of the workampers who’ve been here since Memorial Day are leaving today and, while I’ll miss seeing them, I’m happy they’re moving on to the next phase of their adventure. That’s the bittersweet part of our lifestyle…moving on and saying good-bye. Else why live in a home on wheels? Those of us who live this way know farewells are inevitable.

I’m grateful for having made the acquaintance of these wonderful people, and especially for the friendship that’s developed since then.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for the hope of seeing them again, since that’s always a real possibility in the world of RVing.🙏🏽 I’m happy that they are moving on. 🙏🏽 In our lifestyle, you’ve got to do it while you can, because there is a certain amount of physical strength and mental wherewithal that’s necessary, and when it’s gone, a big change is probably right around the corner. Another bittersweet reality.

Variety in the people that happen our way and in the places our lifestyle takes us are unique blessings I am grateful for.🙏🏽 Indeed, variety is the spice of life. 🙏🏽 I’m happy my friends are off on another adventure and wish them a fun and uneventful one. Godspeed!🙏🏽

You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy; in Your right hand are eternal pleasures. ~Psalm 16:11

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Gratitude for Choices

Today my husband and I are celebrating our 44th wedding anniversary🙏🏽 with Sunday brunch at the Keeter Center🙏🏽, one of the Branson area’s best restaurants—if not the best. It’s located on the campus of College of the Ozarks in Hollister, Missouri, and it’s our favorite place to take visitors 🙏🏽 and celebrate special occasions.

Celebratory meals are an extra-special treat.🙏🏽 I especially love brunches, buffets, smorgasbords, and even some cafeterias because then I can try an assortment of culinary delights. 🙏🏽 I love food and I like having choices.🙏🏽 I also love having as much as I want of a good thing.🙏🏽

Eleanor Roosevelt said, ”Life is what you make it. Always has been, always will be.” That’s living by design, and each choice becomes part of that design. I’m grateful to see the importance of choices.🙏🏽

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~1 Corinthians 10:31

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Gratitude for the Pause

Fall foliage has reached its peak here in northwest Arkansas, and it exceeded most people’s expectations🙏🏽, considering the lack of rain this summer. I’m grateful to immerse myself in it🙏🏽. Whether it‘s walking or bicycling, photography, or even chores that take me outdoors, I’m grateful🙏🏽. I’m often taken aback by the enormity of lushness that envelopes this area, and I thank God to be in the thick of it🙏🏽. I’m grateful to experience ’seasons’🙏🏽, and I feel almost expectant joy, thinking of all the west coasters who’ve moved here and are seeing fall colors for perhaps the first time.🙏🏽Those transplants remind me not to take seasons for granted. I’m grateful to see this change of season.🙏🏽

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

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Gratitude for Laughter

I love to laugh 🙏🏽 and, from what I’ve been told my entire life, my laughter is distinct. It’s loud and hearty and heart-felt. I am attracted to others with a good sense of humor, 🙏🏽and I’m blessed to have lots of family and friends in that category. 🙏🏽I’m especially drawn to others with a knack for puns🙏🏽—that clever play on words during ordinary conversation that’s often goes unnoticed by most. I think I laugh hardest when it’s unexpected, as was the case yesterday.🙏🏽

I’d made an appointment at the vet’s for Victor, our 17-year-old pup who’s suddenly taken to peeing inside the RV, whether we’re home or not. If we were to bring in a first-thing-in-the-morning urine sample, it would be greatly appreciated, I was told. So, with small plastic container in hand, my husband accompanied Victor outside and positioned it underneath him when he squatted to pee to catch a sample. A little got on the edge of the container, so when my husband snapped on the lid, a teeny bit hit him smack in the eye. It happened so fast, and I burst into laughter; I couldn’t help myself!

My husband’s a terrific sport🙏🏽 and Victor’s urinalysis came back clear.🙏🏽 The vet suspects doggie dementia, which isn’t surprising, given his age. For 16 years this little guy’s antics have given me with countless moments of joyful laughter 🙏🏽 so I think I can deal with the intermittent accidents 🙏🏽 And he weighs less than 10 pounds, so it’s not as bad as it could be.🙏🏽

He who laughs, lasts 🙏🏽

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Gratitude for the Morning

Most mornings I wake up hours before the sun, and the first thing I do before getting out of bed is thank God for a good night’s sleep and another day. This is a relatively new habit and not one I picked up because of a desire for self-improvement. I remember a time not so long ago when waking up was the last thing I wanted to do, and if that sounds dramatic, it’s because the night before was beyond recall. Alcoholism had consumed me, and many mornings were spent in fear (because I couldn’t remember anything from the night before) and bewilderment (wondering what was wrong with me.)

Recovery itself is a blessing, and because of it, an awakening to all that I have been freely given. I try to practice living in continual gratitude daily, meaning that I try to keep my eyes open and be aware of everything around me throughout the day—beginning with opening my eyes in the morning—and being thankful for everything that comes my way. That way, I stay in the now, and in today.

Give us this day our daily bread. ~Matthew 6:11

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Gratitude for Help

Both of my adult children are dealing with vindictive exes, and my heart hurts for them. The mama lion in me wants to somehow save them and make things better for them and my grandchildren. But the thing is, I don’t know what the best recourse is for either of them. I know what I’d like to have happen, but would it ultimately be the right thing? I don’t know. But I know who does: God.

Besides being a recovering alcoholic, I’m also a recovering Catholic. For some reason, the word ’God’ always made me bristle, even though God always answered my desperate ’foxhole’ prayers, the ones in which I promised commitment to Him in exchange for getting me out of whatever jam I was in. It took a lot (an incurable disease) for me to finally surrender and start praying to Him then, believing He could help me. Amazingly—mercifully—in spite of my reneging, He did.

My greatest struggle turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I recognized my powerless and my need for the super power of God. I hate to see anyone, particularly my kids, go through a hard time, but I pray that they realize their need for a power greater than themselves and humble themselves. It’s ok to not have all the answers.

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant. My eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He shall pluck my feet out of the net. ~Psalm 25:14-15

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Gratitude for Joy

For a couple of years now, we have been trying to find a replacement window for the door to our motorhome. The one that was there had become foggy through the years and it wasn’t easy to see through. It’s next to impossible to find parts for vintage RVs. I was beginning to think it was something we’d just have to tolerate.

Then, a couple of weeks ago and purely by happenstance, I caught a glimpse of a van from a glass company doing some work here. 🙏🏽 I took a photo of it to capture the phone number and had my husband call to see if they worked on RVs. They did!🙏🏽

On Monday, someone came out to take a look at our window and said that it might just need a thorough cleaning, but if that didn’t work, they could certainly fashion a replacement. Either way, there was the promise of a clear window. 🙏🏽 On Thursday, it was already done, 🙏🏽and yesterday it was re-installed.🙏🏽

I never would have thought that getting a new window would have filled me with so much joy, but it has! Everything about the experience went so smoothly and efficiently🙏🏽 and everyone we dealt with—from the owner of the company to the young gentleman who cleaned the window after it had been re-installed—was professional and very courteous🙏🏽 The window is crystal clear! 🙏🏽 And we don’t need a replacement after all!🙏🏽

But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.~ Psalm 68:3

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Gratitude for This Moment

Just a few minutes ago I photographed a most fiery sunrise,🙏🏽 which was actually a culmination of several miracles altogether. With 100% chance of rain and drizzle imminent, I happened to look out the windshield just at the right moment to see sunlight. Instantaneously I pivoted around to look eastward and there it was. 🙏🏽

For some reason, colorful sunrises here are few and far in between, making them that much more spectacular 🙏🏽 To capture the moment takes quick reflexes, because it can evaporate within mere second or two, like today’s did. I grabbed my phone and raced outside, only to take two photos before it overtaken by clouds. At least I got a couple shots🙏🏽

Besides a beautiful reminder of this morning, I discovered that photos can be an ice breaker; I shared my photo with the gentleman who owned the camper, and his face lit up when he saw the picture. I’m grateful for little things that mean a lot.🙏🏽

I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness – it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude. ~Brené Brown

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