There’s nothing like an imminent departure date to kick me into gear to do all the things I’ve been putting off. Not just the things that have to be done to Felix (our motorhome) or to our lot here, but things I’ve been wanting to do, but considered inessential. Like wandering down an interesting-looking road just to see what’s there. We did that yesterday.🙏🏽
Houses along an irregular lake front such as Table Rock’s can be just several yards apart by boat, but miles away by road. The dead-end of one such road, Jones Road, can be seen from here at the resort, but to GET there takes half an hour because it’s 18 miles away. That’s where Crisco, the Table Rock mountain goat, hangs out. I used to see him most mornings when I kayaked, and ever since then I’ve wanted to explore the area up there in the bluff, around the point. A Google Earth-search confirmed the route, so we took a little detour on the way to doing errands in Hollister.🙏🏽
What a treat that turned out to be! Most of the houses can’t be seen from Jones Road, a windy, narrow road that’s on the lake’s southeast end. Barbed wire fencing lined both sides of the road which had to be traversed slowly. As it turned out, having to go slow was what made the drive delightful!🙏🏽 Otherwise, we would have missed these little tchotchkes.

Yes, someone apparently took the time to stop and deposit a banana peel each time he ate one, and that made me chuckle. 🙏🏽 There were many more tchotchkes, making the 15-minute, delightful detour the highlight of my day!🙏🏽 I not only saw what I came to see, Jones Road, I saw one little something after another that made me smile, and eagerly anticipate the next!🙏🏽 I’m grateful for being open to new things.🙏🏽
A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps. ~Proverbs 16:9