Over time, the habit of practicing gratitude has had such a profound and positive effect on me, that I can’t stop. Not that I’d want to. It’s made me aware of the sheer abundance of my blessings🙏🏽—both tangible and intangible—especially for the latter, such as contentment, harmony and knowledge, and that’s enough of a reason to continue. Practicing gratitude has quieted my mind🙏🏽, allowing me to tune into ‘the now,’ 🙏🏽and anyone who has ADHD like me or has difficulty focusing can appreciate the wonder of that!🙏🏽 When I practice gratitude, I find joy now. To me, that’s peace.🙏🏽
the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. ~Numbers 6:26
Always being in the moment does not come naturally to me since there’s always more than enough to divert my attention, but I’m trying to be better. Intentional gratitude has helped with that.
Like any habit, practicing gratitude takes dedication and mindfulness, but the benefits are such that its continuation becomes a matter of course. Seeing the world as a cup half-full is so much more encouraging than seeing it as being half-empty, especially these days. It’s up to one’s own self to find the roses that are worth stopping to smell, and then stopping.
Gratitude points the way to what really is. Gratitude changes everything.
The wilderness and the wasteland shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose~Isaiah 35:1
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Just the other day I realized that I have a very hard time receiving unexpected gifts. Someone I’ve only recently come to know dropped off a bag of goodies for me and even though I said “Thank you” and meant it sincerely, I just didn’t feel right accepting it. I felt unworthy.
Where negative thoughts like that come from, I don’t know. What I do know is that when ideas like that pop up, they have to be smashed. Even though it was an uncomfortable feeling, I was grateful that I could actually name the feeling🙏🏽—that’s a huge improvement—but that I could do something about it.🙏🏽
What I did was put myself in my friend’s shoes and realized that giving me this gift made her feel good, and that alone turned my thinking around.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for this lesson. I learned that gratitude really is a like a 2-way street, where both giver and receiver are blessed.🙏🏽 And in doing so, I also learned that I was worthy. Absolutely.🙏🏽
I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. ~Psalm 9:1
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If ever there was a time to be grateful, it’s Now.
You’re probably thinking that’s a crazy notion, what with the financial, emotional, and physical oppression being intentionally inflicted upon We the People by a cast of characters whose true identity is masked.
Thank God for giving us a brain!🙏🏽 Just Think.
Just think: We the People are supposed to believe that someone who barely set foot out of his basement all during the last Presidential campaign, and whose running mate was probably the most disliked and unpopular person he could have possibly picked, not only won, but somehow happened to garner more votes than any other president. Ever. And now We the People are expected to lend a blind eye to his ineptness, his mental instability and his ineffectiveness as a leader.
Just think: The costs of everything across the board—gas, food, housing, utilities— increased astronomically almost overnight and are soaring past the point of absurdity.
Just think: Illegals are pouring over our southern border unabashed and unabated. Some are being trafficked to God-knows-where, blatant criminals are walking the streets, and no effort is being made to control, much less stop, it.
Just think: An entire generation thinks it’s normal to be confused about one’s gender.
Thank God we have a brain.🙏🏽 Just think: What’s right/correct/okay about any of the above?
Just think: If things had NOT gotten this bad, would We the People realize that something was very, very wrong?
I’m very grateful it’s gotten to this point, and I’m especially grateful to be alive to witness the unfolding.🙏🏽 I’m grateful that people are waking up.🙏🏽 I’m grateful that adversity is uniting those of us who know and trust the One who has ultimate power.🙏🏽 I’m grateful more and more people are turning to The Word, myself included.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for the Peace it brings and the Hope it instills.🙏🏽
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. ~Colossians 3:15
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Continual right-sizing—as compared to downsizing—is a way of life for those of us who live in RVs or tight quarters of any kind, I imagine. There is a very limited amount of storage space, after all. When I had packed yet another bag to be donated to a local thrift shop, my husband lamented, “What are you getting rid of now?” I had to explain to him that this–occasionally collecting items that are still usable but no longer worn/used/needed/etc. and donating them–is a generous gesture, and that’s a good thing. 🙏🏽 Besides, it justifies shopping, but that’s beside the point.
Since there’s only so much room in the motorhome, we have only what we need in terms of clothing and household basics (such as bedding, cookware, paper products) and not much in terms of home decor or collections of any sort (jewelry, DVDs, books, antiques, etc.) and that’s okay. I’m grateful. This is extreme streamlined living and personally, I love it. I have everything I need, and I’m happy with everything I have. 🙏🏽
Generosity gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling. Especially these days when things appear bleak. Whether it’s donating usable clothing to a thrift store🙏🏽, buying canned goods for a local food bank🙏🏽, or leaving an extra-good tip for services rendered🙏🏽, it’s a Win/Win for all concerned. The whole world benefits from generous spirits!🙏🏽
The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. ~Proverbs 11:25
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Until the workamping experience at the dam’s visitor center in Branson in the summer of 2021, I knew nothing about Table Rock Lake and its surrounding areas even though I’m a Missouri native. With almost 800 miles of shoreline straddling the Missouri/Arkansas border, the lake provides a multitude of recreational opportunities, like boating, camping, fishing, scuba diving, canoeing, paddle boarding, jet skiing, waterskiing, tubing and kayaking. My husband and I fell in love with the area and, by the end of the summer, had purchased an RV lot on the lake.🙏🏽
It’s a blessing to have our own lot where we could be all year, if we wanted, and not have to ever make another camping reservation🙏🏽. My neighbors are very kind and friendly, and privacy is well respected.🙏🏽 I could go walking anytime of day or night, and would feel completely safe.🙏🏽The security is so good that the door to the RV is never locked.🙏🏽 If it weren’t for winter, I could see being here year-round.
I’m grateful to live in a rural area where it’s quiet and peaceful, but not too terribly far from town.🙏🏽 I’m grateful to live in a community where it’s easy to meet others and make friends.🙏🏽 I’m grateful to live somewhere safe.🙏🏽
He gives them security, and they rely on it; Yet His eyes are on their ways. ~Job 24:23
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The most colorful characters I’ve ever known are people I’ve met in recovery. Every one has a story, and so many of stories are hilarious. Also sad and very pathetic. I can relate to them all. But by the time you have some sober time under your belt and the mental fog has lifted, most people in recovery can look back at drunken shenanigans and laugh. And thank God they’re alive.🙏🏽 Indeed, a lot of boisterous laughter is often heard coming from the rooms of recovery.🙏🏽
One of those characters texted yesterday to say he was celebrating his 36th sobriety birthday—meaning that he’d not had a drink of alcohol for 36 years!🙏🏽—and it got me thinking of all the sobriety birthday celebrations I’ve been blessed to witness over the years.🙏🏽 Most of them follow the same format: a good friend gives some sort of lengthy introduction and then the birthday person says a few words. Never has one bragged about the accomplishment being all theirs and the result of something they did; on the contrary, nearly all gave glory and gratitude to God. Without Him, they admit, they wouldn’t have been able to do it. This is humility in action.
I learned about humility in the rooms of recovery–what it was and what it wasn’t–and in doing so, I had to admit just how self-centered and preoccupied with myself I’d been all my life. And still would be if I didn’t hold myself accountable.
“Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It’s thinking of yourself less,” so wrote C. S. Lewis, and he was right. No one respects a door mat. Humility is about seeing oneself as he truly is–nothing more, nothing less.🙏🏽 Humility is about being “right-sized.”🙏🏽 Humility is respectful and considerate of others.🙏🏽 Humility is devoid of arrogance, superiority, pride, conceit, or self-aggrandizement.🙏🏽 Humility is quiet self-assuredness and confidence.🙏🏽 Humility just might be the secret ingredient to being a part of something instead of being apart from it!🙏🏽
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. ~James 4:10
While reading comments on Telegram yesterday, I happened upon a post from someone who referenced a former flight attendant with nearly 30 years in the business who’d uncovered a trove of evidence linking the events of 9/11 to our own government. It immediately caught my attention, and I ended up going down the rabbit hole, researching this Rebekah Roth. I’m grateful for experts in their field, especially when they have a knack for explaining things simply.🙏🏽 To think that our own government would willingly participate in such a devastating event where thousands of people were killed or injured is a ludicrous idea, but when one realizes that the love of money was the motive, the pieces begin to fit together. I’m grateful for her expertise and all of the time it took her to research what really happened that day.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for the many people in the airline industry who’ve come forward, corroborating her findings.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for the books she’s written that explain it all.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for being open minded enough to want to know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.🙏🏽 I’m grateful for all the Truth that is pouring out.🙏🏽
A wise man will hear and increase learning, ~Proverbs 1:5
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For the last two years I’ve been trying to make sense of what’s going on in our country by means other than what’s being reported on television and written in the news outlets and social media. Common sense tells me that we’re being fed a lot of propaganda from the government, that the news media is complicit, and that our country is being run by a group of elites who care nothing for ordinary citizens and are hellbent on destroying it. So much seems to be wrong, and yet I’m grateful; grateful to be waking up to the truth. 🙏🏽
At first, I didn’t want to believe that the man on the moon landing was staged or that our own government was complicit in the events of 9/11, the same government that had President Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinated. I didn’t want to believe in human trafficking, rich people drinking “young blood” to look youthful, or pedophilia being considered a “sexual orientation.” But given all the evilness and corruption in the world, none of it surprised me, and maybe that was the blessing 🙏🏽 because otherwise the knowledge of certain details made me sick.
There’s still so much truth I want to learn. To grieve. To mourn. Much is coming to light, and I’m grateful to be willing to accept the hard truth even though much of it will be hard to comprehend, let alone swallow.🙏🏽 I’m grateful my grandchildren and I are watching history being rewritten together.🙏🏽 And I believe the best is yet to come.🙏🏽
Truth shall spring out of the earth, And righteousness shall look down from heaven. ~Psalm 85:11
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Yesterday I reached out to a friend of mine, another full-time RVer, who lives in Florida. She’s been on my mind a lot, especially since Florida’s been slammed with two hurricanes in as many months. I prayed she was alright.
Our paths crossed on a hiking path at an RV park in Hot Springs, Arkansas in October 2018. We exchanged pleasantries, and within just a few minutes we realized we had a lot in common; we clicked!🙏🏽 I was on Facebook at the time and had started a page devoted exclusively to practicing daily gratitude, Gratitude 365; I invited her to join. I’m so grateful she did because she often contributed beautiful sentiments that greatly enhanced the project.🙏🏽 Seeing and commenting on one another’s posts is how we stayed connected.🙏🏽
Two years later, I wanted to quit Facebook, but I didn’t want the gratitude page to go down the tubes, so I asked my friend if she’d be willing to be the admin. She consented right away.🙏🏽 There’s a saying that people come into our lives for a reason, a season or a lifetime, and she’s in the first category. Because of that brief chance meeting, not only is the Gratitude 365 page still alive, it’s thriving!🙏🏽 She makes it a wonderful inspiration to others.🙏🏽
Thankfully, my friend in Florida responded to my text message right away, saying she was okay and even mentioned that she had shared the aforementioned story ☝️ in a meeting just the day before.🙏🏽 Considering I’m not on Facebook and that we only text each other once in a very blue moon, I thought that was amazing. Is that odd, or is that God?🙏🏽 Reason, season, lifetime…I’m so grateful for ALL of my friends!🙏🏽
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. ~Hebrews 13:2
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