I woke up this morning, still feeling the afterglow of reuniting with friends yesterday, and indeed it was a reunion for two of my friends who hadn’t seen each other since covid came on the scene. Everything went without a hitch—from the uneventful 160-mile round trip drive, to the Mexican restaurant that didn’t seem to mind four old ladies taking up space for a couple of hours. I’m grateful yesterday was able to happen.
Driving 80 miles to meet friends for lunch is nothing to me; I wonder if that’s a by-product of RVing? I’m grateful for the open-mindedness. It made for a day I won’t soon forget. How could I? We had so much fun, we already have another reunion scheduled in four weeks!
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. ~Proverbs 27:17
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Today is the day I’ve been looking forward to for weeks. My friend/next-door neighbor and I are driving 80 miles or so to meet up with a mutual friend for lunch, who driving about the same distance, and it’s going to be wonderful! The three of us stayed at the same RV park five years ago and often did things together. When the plandemic started in early 2020, everyone went their separate ways—Ohio, Minnesota and Arkansas. Now we’re close enough in distance to be able to share a meal. I’m grateful that the fear generated two years ago has subsided, and that we can get together with friends and family. I’m grateful for the joy of anticipating time with friends!
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! ~ Psalm 133:1
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Little did I expect yesterday morning that the most exciting thing that was going to happen that day was going to happen at a laundromat. Given the way the day began, I’m grateful the whole day didn’t go down the tubes.
Without being too specific, I’ll just say that an unexpected event at 1 o’clock in the morning necessitated the laundering of the throw rug that’s at the entrance to the motorhome (Biscuit barfed.) Practicing gratitude daily must be working because that was my immediate reaction as I guided poor Biscuit down the stairs (gratitude that the temperature wasn’t freezing, that it wasn’t raining yet as it had been forecast, that the upchuck was mainly water).
Laundering all our throw rugs had been on my list of things to do for days, but this incident catapulted it to Top Priority. There’s a small laundry room here at the RV resort, but I didn’t want to launder rugs in the same machines people launder their clothes. We decided to try a laundromat not far away.
Turns out it was a brand new facility, clean, brightly lit, with lots of machines capable of handling a variety of loads. I was especially grateful for the cleanliness. The attendant showed me to the washer that would be best for all my rugs, and then explained that there was an app that I could download, and that my first wash would be FREE. I looked at the washer and saw that it would cost $6.75 to wash my rugs. Okay, I’ll bite.
I’m grateful for the young people who realize that it takes us seniors longer to do anything when it comes to technology. The attendant was so patient as she walked me through the steps needed to get to actually starting the load, and what a handy app that turned out to be! I never imagined laundry could be technologically exciting, but it can. I find that amazing…and something to be grateful for!
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I have been blessed with friends all throughout my life, and there are certain ones I still keep in contact with years after last seeing them. I just had a phone-visit with one, our first in many, many months, and it was as though no time had passed. We just dove right in and talked for nearly an hour, only stopping because my ear buds lost juice.
I’m grateful our friendship has lasted as long as it has—almost 30 years—in spite of both of us moving from where we’d originally met. Back then, we had a lot in common…like, living on boats in the heart of Washington, DC. Many, many good times were shared, leaving fond memories too special to forget. We eventually went our separate ways, but we have managed to stay in contact despite the miles that separate us.
We don’t have much in common anymore except for our love for one another. I can’t fathom her life, nor can she fathom mine, and that’s ok. We still manage to find lots to bond over. I’m grateful for all of the friends I’ve been blessed with throughout my life, even if they were only there for a brief season. Each one blessed me in some way, and I’m grateful for them all.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.~1 John 4:7
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A professional hockey player’s jersey has very nearly sold out on NHL Shop and Fanatics, just days after the liberal media tried crucifying him for boycotting the team’s LBGTQ+ Pride Night last week. When interviewed, Ivan Provorov said that he respects everyone’s choices, and his choice was to stay true to himself and his religion by not wearing the promotional jersey. He offered to answer any and all hockey-related questions, but the media was too focused on his wardrobe to think of any to ask.
Bravo, Ivan! Finally, a breath of fresh air amidst the much of what the media claims is news.
Of course, the incident had to be spun and recycled such that this particular article described Provorov’s choice as a show of “defiance against LGBT fans.” Really? The man clearly stated that he respected everyone’s choice.
The article then went on to accuse the coach for ‘supporting Provorov’s homophobia’ by not benching him. Again, really?? There was nothing hateful in what he said. That’s when I stopped reading; I’ve learned how the media twists things around, thereby manipulating our perception. I’m grateful to have learned to turn it off.
But for his jersey to practically sell out on two websites in a matter of days? That’s speaks volumes! That’s a lot of support for Provorov’s stand, which is to honor his religion.
For that, I’m grateful. Because of his courage, I am strengthened. I’m grateful for athletes like him who are positive role models and who are of solid character. It gives me hope that good will prevail over evil in our fallen world, and the patience to wait gracefully for it, one day at a time.
Do to others as you would have them do to you. ~ Luke 6:31
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With the best of intentions, I bought a bag of apples a couple of weeks ago, thinking I’d try eating one a day. It seemed a doable goal; I like apples.
It didn’t happen like I planned. I only ate two or three and then promptly forgot about my good intention. But with the cost of groceries, I wasn’t about to let the apples go to waste. Then the thought came to me: Pie.
Just the other day, I was thinking of a restaurant in Marble Falls, Texas that had great pies, so maybe the thought lingered in my subconscious. At any rate, I thought making a pie while Dave was at an HOA-Zoom meeting yesterday afternoon would be a good idea. I thought I had all the ingredients, so I jumped right in and started peeling apples.
Have I ever mentioned that I have ADHD?
It does not serve me well when cooking. I’ll either get out all the ingredients I need and then forget to put something in. Or, I’ll dive right into making a recipe before making certain I have all the ingredients on hand, only to discover I’m missing something when I get to that part of the recipe. The latter is what happened yesterday. Twice, both involving sugars: first, running out of white and then not having any brown.
My seeming dilemmas always work out somehow, which I believe to be God working in my life. My neighbor had white sugar and Dollar General, just a few hundred feet down the road, had the brown. I was very grateful for both!
I’d never made this one-crust, apple crumb pie before, and I was grateful it turned out like it was supposed to! It felt good to bake and create again, despite the sugar hiccups. Making it made several people happy, including my husband and our neighbors, especially when vanilla bean ice cream was added. I’m grateful for good, homemade pie.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, ~Colossians 3:23
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This morning I awoke with an odd sensation; my pup sleeping soundly, his little head resting on my throat. In the 16+ years we’ve had Victor, a chihuahua-mix, he’s never done that. After a few minutes, I was fully awake. He must’ve sensed that because he kind of growled in an annoyed sort of way, repositioned himself, and went back to sleep.
Last night’s sleep was sound and uninterrupted, unlike what it’s been the last few nights, and I was so grateful. I don’t know if my pup’s nestling had anything to do with it, but it wouldn’t surprise me. There’s a mound of evidence to suggest that pets are able to positively affect their owner’s psychological and physiological health. I know ours have, majorly. I am grateful.🙏🏽
But now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side; there is neither adversary nor misfortune. ~1 Kings 5:4
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I’m grateful to have a couple of hours to myself every morning before my husband wakes up, thanks to my pup who has to go out at o’dark:30. I love the peace and quiet and seeing the moon and the stars, if the sky is clear. This is my favorite time of day.
Because the mainstream media spews propaganda, it’s a challenge to find truth in reporting, so I’m grateful when I finally do. This morning I discovered Michael J. Matt and The Remnant Underground, and was captivated right from the start with the topics discussed on this particular episode. Matt doesn’t seem to shy away from tough issues like what exactly caused Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrests on national television a couple of weeks ago? He is fed up with the cancel culture that’s chipping away at every American’s right to free speech. I love it. And I’m grateful for brave journalists like him.
Even though I haven’t been a practicing Catholic for decades, the likes of the globalist Pope Francis and all the priests involved in sex scandals still disgust me. Matt and Remnant News bring it to our attention because MSM probably wouldn’t. Until the plandemic and all that’s happened since, I never would have thought to connect any church to the elite and the World Economic Forum, but truth is coming to light about an insidious and sinister plan of depopulation through forced vaccination and everyone connected to it.
Finding what I believe to be a credible source of information is a godsend. It’s helping me to connect the dots to this movie that seems to be playing out before our eyes. I may not like what I see, but too many unexplainable things worldwide beg to be connected. I’m grateful it’s starting to happen.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58
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One of the reasons we have been coming to Texas for the past five winters is that the people here are so friendly. We’ve always gotten the impression from the locals that we were wanted, unlike some places that are not nearly as welcoming. Well, today the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce proved that by hosting a Winter Texan Appreciation party at the Convention Center, and it was overwhelming in a good way!
By the time we arrived, which was only 10 minutes after the party started, the parking lot was nearly full and the line to get inside was out the door. I haven’t seen this many seniors in any one place since we left Branson! There was music, bunco, bingo, poker, games, karaoke, food, information booths and raffles—all kinds of appealing things to us old people.
After the singing of the the national anthem and an opening prayer and blessing, the president of the Chamber got up to speak. On behalf of all the member businesses, she expressed her gratitude to all winter Texans for the economic boost the local area receives from our being here when we eat at restaurants, gas up our vehicles, buy groceries and souvenirs, and go to local attractions.
Besides being a great marketing tool, such appreciation lays the groundwork for the following winter season. It’s a considerate gesture that will be long remembered and talked about by many a visitor, possibly generating even more revenue. I’m grateful to be spending the winter here, and I’m grateful to be appreciated.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest form of appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. ~John F. Kennedy
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Lately I’ve been following the daily growth of an offshoot of one of my succulents that first appeared December 30, not quite three weeks ago. Every day, it amazes me. It seemed to have appeared overnight, on a stem more than six inches long, both impressive attributes, I thought. Each day I admire its miniature stature and simple, yet elegant beauty.
This is the first time this plant has bloomed in the two years I’ve had it—and I know it’s because of nothing I’ve done. I barely remember to water it occasionally. Still, it seems to have gotten everything it needs, and then some! I’m amazed.
My flowering Urbinia purpusii reminds me of God’s grace and how it’s freely given to me, whether I’m working for it or not. It’s extended all day, every day. Whether I deserve it or not. And like my plant, I have everything I need, and then some. I’m very grateful.🙏🏽
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9
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