For more than a decade now, I’ve kept up a monthly blog on another website, Midwest Gypsy. Normal people like our relatives and old classmates (I use the term ‘old’ lovingly) find our seemingly vagabond lifestyle curious and so I write about where we are, what we’re doing, etc. Since I awoke at 4 a.m. and so far the pups haven’t, it’s been the perfect time to write. 🙏🏽
This month’s blog is about our choice to not return to where we’ve spent the past five winters—not because we didn’t like it, but because we wanted a change. For us, variety is the spice of life. I guess so, having lived in a few houses, on a couple of boats and now in an RV. I’m grateful that change isn’t something I fear. 🙏🏽
I sometimes joke about having untreated ADHD and how having it actually works to my advantage. Occasional change and release from boredom appeal to me very much, so going somewhere different after five years isn’t unusual.
Wintering completely different (on the coast) than what we’ve been used to (foothills) is a whole new experience, and I’ve found it inspiring. My mom always told me that a little change would do me good. Embracing it has certainly provided me with a lifetime of adventures (material!) to write about. I’m grateful for Change. 🙏🏽
Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland. ~Isaiah 43:18-19