Gratitude for Contemplation

Making the choice to see the world through grateful eyes is a practice that continually brings forth blessings previously unimagined, from the tiny to the huge. And yet, there is nothing new under the sun–I’m just more in tune and aware! A few months ago, I began journaling gratitude before going to bed; instead of what I did that day, I started writing three things that I was grateful for. Now that I’ve been journaling this way for some time, I can look back and see all the things that made me smile, warmed my heart, and made me thankful to be alive. It humbles me to see all the ways God has been good to me in spite of my humaness. God is good indeed.

All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God. ~Deuteronomy 28:2

About Maria

Hi there! Thanks for checking out Gratitude365, a project which I'm extremely passionate about. My life as as a full-time RVer, along with my husband Dave and two pups, Victor and Biscuit, is a dream come true. I'm very blessed to be able to travel the United States and meet people from all all walks of life. There's always something to be grateful about!
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