Gratitude for Peace

Over time, the habit of practicing gratitude has had such a profound and positive effect on me, that I can’t stop. Not that I’d want to. It’s made me aware of the sheer abundance of my blessings🙏🏽—both tangible and intangible—especially for the latter, such as contentment, harmony and knowledge, and that’s enough of a reason to continue. Practicing gratitude has quieted my mind🙏🏽, allowing me to tune into ‘the now,’ 🙏🏽and anyone who has ADHD like me or has difficulty focusing can appreciate the wonder of that!🙏🏽 When I practice gratitude, I find joy now. To me, that’s peace.🙏🏽

the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. ~Numbers 6:26

About Maria

Hi there! Thanks for checking out Gratitude365, a project which I'm extremely passionate about. My life as as a full-time RVer, along with my husband Dave and two pups, Victor and Biscuit, is a dream come true. I'm very blessed to be able to travel the United States and meet people from all all walks of life. There's always something to be grateful about!
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