November 2nd, 2021. Even though for several years I’ve been practicing gratitude regularly, to my way of thinking anyway, the 365 days of the Gratitude Challenge established the habit solidly. And hopefully, permanently, for I’ve experienced so many benefits from the practice, I want to do everything I can to maintain this state. Or even exceed it. What can I say? As a well-known name brand encourages, if it feels good, JUST DO IT!
It’s easy for most people, myself included, to rattle off a list of common, everyday things to be grateful for, like family and friends, food to eat, a roof over my head, clothes to wear, etc. But the reality is that not everyone has these things. These are not common, everyday things at all…these are Blessings. And that’s how I’ve come to view just about everything anymore, including what I used to view as “bad,” such as setbacks of any sort or things not working out the way I wanted. Basically, practicing daily gratitude has turned around my way of thinking. And God knows, the way I think needs consistent overhauling. Kind of like going to the gym regularly produces results faster than going just once in a while.
Now, I notice the little things throughout the day, like remembering where I put something, or the sequence of commands and passwords to get to an online account. (Appreciation)) Or finding something I’d been looking for. (Joy) Practicing gratitude has opened my eyes and made me more aware of things…and that’s led to appreciation. (Humility).
Practicing daily gratitude enriches my life by making me focus on Now. And for someone who’s gone 67+ years with untreated ADHD, that’s a miracle! It’s giving myself the Present each and every day. Gratitude makes me feel good, and even though I’m 10+ years into recovery, I still have a mental obsession for “more” when it comes to things that make me feel good. And that’s why I choose to be grateful always. It’s never enough. 😌