
A lot has happened this week. Two horrific hurricanes struck the United States in just a matter of a couple of weeks recently, and I’ve had a sense of wanting to do something, but didn’t know what…probably because we’ve gone through the aftermath of a hurricane and know that there’s so, so much that has to be done. I didn’t want to donate money because it never gets to where you think it does. And I couldn’t volunteer physically. I was feeling frustrated and powerless.

A old friend from Women Aboard days lives in one of the worst-hit areas in North Carolina, and for days she was MIA on Facebook. Having gone through Katrina, I know that in certain places housing is, and will be, a huge problem in the months to come. Last Sunday, I posed the idea to my husband of giving Felix (our motorhome ) to my friend who might need somewhere to live. Without hesitation, he said, “Yes.” Neither one of us will ever forget how grateful we were to finally get a roof over our heads—albeit it was an awful FEMA trailer. I posted on my friend’s Facebook wall that she was welcome to having our motorhome if she needed it, and waited pensively for a response from either her or a friend who might know how she fared. Finally after several days she posted that they were okay, though still without power. I was so grateful and very relieved to learn that she was still alive and that her home evidently still stood.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve been moving things from the motorhome (in the Arkansas Ozarks) to our house in Kentucky. We have already made the decision to sell her, having had seven-plus wonderful years of full-time living, including all the travel and memories that lifestyle brings. It was time to hang up the keys. We arrived with the thought of completely emptying her and getting her ready to give to my friend in NC or sell.

It’s hard selling an old anything, especially if you’ve affection for it. Even though everything works and she runs wells, Felix is an old gal. She’s very well-maintained, but still 22-years-old. For what we’d end up selling her for, we might as well give her away. Having someone love and appreciate her was worth more to us than what we’d make by selling her.

Maybe that thought was still alive when I prayed for God’s direction as I watched the sun come up Friday. I wondered if a veterans group could benefit from Felix somehow. That was unexpected, but felt right just the same. I did some research, made sure I got Dave’s okay first, and got the ball rolling by sending pictures and completing a form. That led to a lengthy phone call between him and the organization’s representative regarding details and specs. Yesterday afternoon we were notified that our donation was accepted. https://www.veterancardonations.org/vehicles-accepted/rv-donations/class-a-motorhomes/

So much happened in just a few days, and it’s amazing when a lot of moving parts somehow fall into place effortlessly. I’m looking forward to seeing how it all comes together. I’m grateful I don’t have to know all the details; sometimes all it takes is just doing the next right thing.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful… ~Hebrews 4:12

About Maria

Hi there! Thanks for checking out Gratitude365, a project which I'm extremely passionate about. My life as as a full-time RVer, along with my husband Dave and two pups, Victor and Biscuit, is a dream come true. I'm very blessed to be able to travel the United States and meet people from all all walks of life. There's always something to be grateful about!
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