My husband and I spent the last two days walking through the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum, and I’m so grateful for the shift he’s had in certain perceptions. We came here because I wanted to, as well as to give our daughter and her kids some breathing room in between travel ball trips, and to be honest, I prayed that the experience would somehow make my husband want to have God in his life.
I never pushed either attraction; I wanted him to want to come here, and I was delighted that he did. Growing up, I had religion shoved down my throat and even used as punishment, so I am careful about even mentioning the subject. But God is different from religion, thank God.
I’m an early riser, and making coffee is the first thing I do when I wake up. But here in our darkened hotel room, I had to wait quietly until it was time for breakfast to start in the lobby; I didn’t want to wake anyone up—‘anyone’ being Dave and our pup, Victor. Opening the blinds brought in the light of day, enough for me to read my devotionals, and I couldn’t help but think back to a conversation my husband and I had about the tremendous crowds at both the Ark and the Creation Museum. We had talked about the dark times our country is currently in, and that maybe that was a reason for all the people. People are looking for hope—hope that the evilness gripping our country is vanquished. The need becomes more desperate by the day.
Just as opening the blinds allowed light to enter the room, being immersed in the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum opened my husband’s eyes in ways I have yet to find out. But after 44 years, I know this man very well, and I can tell that there’s been a change in him in the last 48 hours. I am grateful for prayers answered.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light… ~Ephesians 4:8