Two of my very good friends celebrated birthdays, yesterday and today. They’ve reached milestones once considered ‘old,’ but not anymore. Not by me, anyway. Both are vibrant, outgoing, positive and future-oriented. I am grateful for having met them by way of RVing, because I can’t imagine how we would’ve met otherwise, considering one lives in Minnesota and the other in Ohio.
Last week I spent a couple of days with another friend who will be celebrating a milestone birthday soon that she’s very excited about. I find her amazing, too. Currently on her way to the Balloon Fiesta in New Mexico by way of Minnesota, she’s a solo RVer who got into this lifestyle for health reasons. We met briefly five years ago on a campground trail in Hot Springs, Arkansas and she left the next morning. Until last week, I hadn’t seen her. I’m grateful for social media in that it keeps me connected to my friends because they are scattered everywhere across the country.
Being an RVer has opened the door to many friendships I probably would not have been blessed with if I had stayed in one place a long time, and I need to remember that when I get down on myself for not having deep roots anywhere. Having friends who are older than me with get up and go is a tremendous motivator, physically and mentally, and their attitude toward life is positive and hopeful. They are awesome role models. I’m grateful for these women, my old friends. Because of them, I don’t view birthdays as getting older, but growing older. That indicates an openness to change and an ability to adapt.
Life is what we make it.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. ~Romans 12:2