In the six days I’ve been here (Hopkinsville, Kentucky), I’ve been to three of my grandson’s high school baseball games, and there’s another one tonight. It has been a joy to watch these kids, their coaches, and the fans having FUN. To me, that’s what life’s all about. There was none of the awful behavior that grabs the news headlines, only good sportsmanship all the way around: players, coaches and fans.
A couple of days ago, I witnessed Senior Night, a ceremony held before that night’s game when two graduating players were honored. I was especially touched by the reading of each player’s sentiment in which they expressed gratitude to those who helped them get to this point in life. Each player thanked God first, and then parents and coaches and any other special ones. It was moving and emotional and wonderful to behold.
A week of high school baseball has done wonders for my outlook on life; it’s given me the boost I needed to regain confidence in humanity, especially in the younger generation. I’m grateful for being immersed in sheer wholesomeness and for the opportunity of being a part of something, such as this fan-base. I appreciate being able to take a peek at normal life here, and that it’s peaceful and quite ordinary. God’s goodness is all around.
For he will not dwell unduly on the days of his life, because God keeps him busy with the joy of his heart. ~Ecclesiastes 5:20