My life has not been my own for the past three days, and won’t be for another week. My husband and I are placeholders for our daughter, who has to be away on business for several days. We are here to make sure the teenage grandkids go to school every day and come home by a certain time every night. It’s nice to be needed, and I’m grateful we’re able to put our lives on hold for a few days.
It’s somewhat uncomfortable being away from what is ‘my ordinary.’ Not that I don’t have everything I need here; I do. It’s just different. Everything is different. I’m grateful I can adapt and be flexible.
I’m grateful that a change in my lifestyle doesn’t upset me like it used to. For instance, it used to be that I’d get really upset with myself if I didn’t write my daily gratitude blog by a certain time; for some reason, a post made after 3 pm is dated the following day. And when I say, “got upset,” I’m not exaggerating. It would weigh on my mind to the point of obsession, and that’s not a good way to live. I could blame my mindset on the fact that I’m an alcoholic (because my disease remains in spite of my recovery), but it’s more productive for me to think in terms of how important is it really? I had to learn to adapt to whatever the situation was. Acceptance was the key to inner peace.
I’m sure that by the time our time here is done, I will have learned where all the light switches are, how to work the washing machine, where things like towels, paper towels and toilet paper are stored, and remember the difference between the codes to the house lock and the alarm system. Until then, I’m grateful for the opportunity to be here for my family.
For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. ~Galatians 5:13