My husband of 44 years and I are total opposites in every way. A huge difference is that I’m Type A++ and he is relaxed and mellow. I always have to be doing something, and he is content to scroll through Facebook multiple times a day. Yet we get along amazingly well.
I’m grateful he is attuned to my ADHD and need to be moving and active. After being kept inside for the better part of the last three days due to extremely windy conditions, I was dying to get outside yesterday. He agreed to go fishing with me. My spirit leaped at the mere idea of doing something together; I didn’t care if we caught anything.
We didn’t, but I had a great time trying and he didn’t complain at all. The wind was still a factor, though it wasn’t blowing nearly as hard as it had been. The sun shone brightly, and all in all, it was a very pleasant outing. Sometimes it’s just nice to be out in the sun.
Light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun. ~Ecclesiastes 11:7