Besides this blog, I also hand-write daily gratitude in a journal. Others may consider this excessive, but I do it to remind myself how blessed I truly am. By incorporating “the usual,” I realize how much I take for granted: a good night’s sleep…warmth from the heat pump on a chilly morning…coffee…readings to start my day…a lazy Sunday…the anticipation of visiting my daughter and her family this week…uneventful trips of every kind…good health…loving and supportive friends and family…a reliable vehicle to get around…a senior pup who still has a lot of life left in him…hummingbirds at my window feeder…the list goes on.
I’m grateful to be in my golden years and all the experiences and lessons that got me to this point in time. I know I have no right to even be alive today given my alcoholism, but for some reason God saw fit to rescue me. See how much I take for granted?! Sobriety should have been the first thing on my list!
I pray I am kept mindful of all my blessings: the little things, the big things, the challenges that make me grow, the setbacks that make me humble. Everything in my world is meant for my benefit, and I am grateful.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits… ~Psalm 103:2