It’s only been within the past month that I had the nerve to venture into one of the businesses here in my little town. We’ve had our place for almost two years, and we’ve driven by time after time. We just never stopped.
It wasn’t until I mentioned that fact in a carload of acquaintances from here at the resort that I learned that it was a treasure trove. One of the ladies commented that she had found a brand new shirt from Dogwood Canyon there; I remember her wearing that shirt, and it was darling. So, that convinced me to stop and check it out sometime.
Well, today is the 4th time I’ve been there this month, so that speaks volumes. Basically, this little store was part convenience/hardware/thrift/bait and tackle shop, so chances are, what you’re needing can be found there. I was so lucky as to find a Matchbox Lamborghini my 5-year-old grandson said he wanted. For $1.99! I am treasuring these days when anything that costs that little thrills a child. I can’t wait to give it to him.
I was guilty of judging a book by its cover. I’m grateful for the reminder. I’m grateful for the other treasures I found that cost next to nothing. I’m grateful for having the enjoyment of just wandering through this very cool store. I’ll have to remember that sometimes, extraordinary moments are right in front of me.
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. ~Psalm 16:11