Ever since we returned to our place here, I’ve been searching for a way to serve. I love volunteering, and even went so far as to start filling out the application for a nearby nature park. But our daughter, who lives 400 miles away, needs us there for a week at a time throughout the summer to help with the kids, and of course, we’re going. That just limits what I’m able to do here.
In the month since our return from our winter trip, a few of us friends have gotten together for fellowship, and I’m so grateful I encountered these particular women on my spiritual journey. I don’t really know any of them much at all, but there’s something about them that I like a lot and I’m grateful that God somehow collected us here at this RV resort in a teeny tiny northwestern Arkansas town.
Travel is the name of the game for us RVers, and most groups only last for just a season, after which people go their separate ways. Already, one in our group has left to go home for the summer, and another is doing the same in a couple of weeks. The thought of our blessed connection happening in the middle of nowhere and then dissolving so quickly has been weighing on me, and to a certain degree, bringing me down.
An idea has been put on my heart, though, that would keep our devotional group connected, and that would be through Zoom meetings. When the plandemic shut down everything in the spring of 2020, that’s how our women’s AA group continued meeting, so I have experience in setting that up. The idea has been percolating for several days, and I wonder if this is how I’ll be able to be involved without always being physically ‘here.’
God is in charge. The idea has picked up steam. All I can do is all I can do, so I will! Some of the things I learned about Zoom three years ago are coming back to me, and just as it was then, it is now: all for His glory! Timing is of the essence, and God is aware of that, of course. I’m just happy (and grateful) to do the legwork.
For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. ~Philippians 2:13