Aside from admiring this morning’s stunning sunrise, the mariner’s rhyme came to mind when I initially shot this photo, probably because of having once lived on a boat and having had the weather impact our lives on a daily basis:
Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.
But soon after, Matthew 16:2-3 came to mind, and that seemed much more appropriate, given the times in which we live:
He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather today: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
So many things have been and are happening, if one has the eyes to see and the ears to hear. July will be three years since I watched TV, and what a blessing that has been! Until I turned off the boob tube, I hadn’t realized what a boob I’d become, being content with whatever emanated out of the screen. It never occurred to me that it was all scripted, and I just assumed the news, as it was being reported, was the truth. I am so gullible and naive.
I’m of average intelligence, but I have a lot of common sense, and I’m so grateful because a lot of things didn’t appear to make sense beginning in March 2020 and that caught my attention. Much like remembering where I was on 9/11, I recall exactly where I was when the supposed pandemic was declared: I’d just finished my Meals on Wheels route where I was in close proximity to and face to face with a lot of people. I felt fine. But the constant talk about the virus made everyone suspicious of one another, and the fear spread like wildfire.
I didn’t participate in the mass vaccination campaign because the statistics were in my favor, but mostly because the supposed vaccines were suspiciously available for rollout just in time. Looking back, I’m so grateful I didn’t buy into the fear! Actually, I just realized while writing this that the ticker tape of the rising number of covid cases constantly streaming across the television screen was the straw that broke the camel’s back and prompted me to eschew television once and for all.
I was grateful when our volunteer job happened that summer because traveling and reserving campground sites was so tenuous in 2020. Everywhere we traveled, and in Virginia where we workamped, there were way more ‘Trump for President’ signs than those for Biden. Trump campaigned and Biden stayed in his basement. So when the latter supposedly garnered more votes than Obama and supposedly won the presidency, that made no sense to me.
Three years later, things are as confusing as ever. But, with the information gained from a few channels on Telegram—Lin Wood’s in particular—and then going down rabbit holes, the puzzle pieces are coming together. It’s making sense now that some big box stores are closing, banking institutions are failing, and major media personalities and celebrities have become ‘has beens.’
The future might seem bleak, but now more than ever, I’m certain it’s going to turn out better than anyone can ever imagine. I’m grateful for ignoring the world and choosing instead to focus on God’s constant presence and majesty. I’m grateful for sanity and discernment in an upside down world.
But test everything; hold fast what is good. ~1 Thessalonians 5:21