Yesterday morning found me in a funky mood, and I don’t know why. All is well. Still, there was an undercurrent of discontent that put me in a sullen mood, and I didn’t care for the feeling too much. Thank God I knew just what to do.
The not-so-funny thing about this is that—even though I realized my situation and knew WHAT to do—I didn’t actually DO IT for several hours. For some reason, wallowing was comfortable for awhile.
Until it wasn’t.
I’m grateful for the wonderfully beautiful day that finally got me outdoors and at the same time, out of myself. That was the problem: I was thinking about my self too much. When I was finally willing to do something about it, I called an old friend and visited for awhile, and that helped a lot. Then I went for a long walk—not so much in actual distance, but because I kept running into people I knew and ended up talking to for a while. That helped considerably, too. It didn’t take long to turn my attitude around once I got going. After I ate dinner, I felt even better. I’m grateful the cloud passed. Before the end of the day, I felt like my usual self. Happy. Content. Blessed. And very grateful.
Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is needful for me, ~Proverbs 30:8