The challenge to write about gratitude every day has morphed from generalities to journaling, and that’s great since I haven’t been keeping up my other blog. I’m really grateful for this daily habit; learning to be grateful in all situations has not only made me pay better attention, but has helped me stay in the ‘now,’ something that’s always been difficult for me.
Yesterday I took advantage of a little bit of time before starting a task I was determined to work on right after lunch—removing all the rust that had accumulated on the RV in the short amount of time we spent on the coast this winter. Everything was pointing towards being able to kayak for a little while: daily gratitude was written, the temperature was not too cold, and the wind wasn’t a factor like it had been for a couple of days previously. I’m grateful I snagged the opportunity; our current ‘freeze watch’ is ushering in a cold front that’s going to last several days.
Taking an hour for myself made all the difference in my attitude and influenced it for the better for the rest of the day, even though the rest of the day entailed ‘work.’ I was grateful to be able to be out on the water within minutes, fortunate enough to see Crisco, and enliven my body/mind/spirit. By the time I sat down with my Dremel, I was not only ready for the original task, but the rest that followed. Truth be told, I got so immersed in cleaning up the rust spots on the rig, I got out some other accessories that had also accumulated rust and did those! One thing led to another and by the end of the afternoon, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. When I am aware of God working through me, so much gets accomplished!
When you have eaten and are satisfied, you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land which He has given you. ~Deuteronomy 8:10