I’m grateful for where I happen to be at this moment in time. One of the things I like about living here at the lake is that it’s so easy to go kayaking, something I really enjoy doing. It’s just a matter of loading it into the golf cart and driving a short distance to the boat launch, and I’m on the water in no time.
Ever since spotting Crisco, the mountain goat, in the recesses of the bluffs across the way last year, I’ve made it a personal goal to track him down each time I go kayaking. He teaches a good lesson regarding expectations—I find myself always hoping to see him, and when I do, I’m elated, and when I don’t, I’m disappointed.
Crisco reminds me that my level of serenity is in inverse proportion to my expectations. When my expectations are high and unmet, I have no peace. Conversely, when I don’t have any expectations, I’m never disappointed.
Still, I love seeing him, so I remain hopefully optimistic. It’s a privilege to be among God’s creatures.