I’m grateful whenever my kids send me videos and photos of their kids, and I get a special thrill when they’re taken at one of their sporting events. I’m grateful they’re involved in sports and that they love participating. Developing certain talents and strengths, working with others and learning healthy competition are just some of the things sports teach, and I’m grateful it’s a good part of their lives.
I’m grateful to see how enthusiasm is demonstrated in my family; I love how God shows Himself in each one’s uniqueness. My grandson imitates his buddy Colin and spins a couple of times before throwing the ball back. My granddaughter mows the grass a different way each time, and never in straight rows. My daughter, who brews beer for a living, sometimes throws glitter in the mix. Everyone leaves a unique footprint in the world.
Life is what we make it, and I’m grateful for my own enthusiasm for life. As the years go by, my zeal for gratitude for all things has made life, and living, more fun. The more thanks I give, the more I’m given in return. Enthusiasm lifts up my soul.
A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed. ~Proverbs 15:13