It’s a glorious morning and I’m feeling especially grateful to God today. Yesterday I got together for more than three hours with three women from the resort, ostensibly to discuss our winter travels. But so much more than that happened. I believe we had ‘church.’ All three have a deep relationship with God, and their dependence on Him is evident in their speech. Being with them was so uplifting and spiritually energizing! It wasn’t all that long ago that I eschewed those I perceived to be religious, but that changed little by little, starting with my recovery. Ever since then, dependence on God has replaced my previous attitude of “I can get by” without Him. I’m grateful that somehow, someway, God managed to gather us together at this particular place. Considering it’s out in the middle of nowhere, it’s a miracle. I’m grateful to be in my right place.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28