One of the things I love most about writing out daily gratitude is that it involves research of some sort—such as finding just the right quote that leads to a topic or finding the perfect photo to edit—which in turn stokes my love of learning. Today’s quote is by a man known as the “Prince of Preachers,” and thought of by many as the greatest preacher of the past century. It appealed to me because of my own minimalist lifestyle and passion for nature and the outdoors. With the exception of friends I’ve made living on a boat or RVing, most who know me think I’m an anomaly, as well as an enigma. I just know my parents are watching me from heaven, wondering when in the world I’m going to settle down and live like everybody else.
Truth be told, that thought appeals sometimes. Then I’d have more room for stuff, but truly, I can’t think of anything I want. Guess I’ve grown accustomed to living simply. I’m grateful for being satisfied.
Memories form the basis of my happiness, and those would never be found in ‘things.’ It’s the people I meet along the way, foods I’ve eaten, outdoor experiences I’ve had—these are what I enjoy. And remember.
With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. ~ Isaiah 12:3