This will be a quick post because we’re making our way home, aiming to beat some bad weather due tomorrow. Hopefully, if we get a good start, we can make it all the way. We’ll see.
Moving about in the motorhome, at least in 21-year-old Felix, is not always comfortable, especially when the road is bumpy. Our pup Biscuit, who was frightened of a lot of things, was never comfortable when we traveled in the RV, even laying on the couch. Yesterday, as we drove for five hours to the next stop on our way home, we intermittently commented to one another that “Biscuit wouldn’t like this,” because of some road-related noise. The more we said it, the more we felt that our decision last week was the right one.
I’m grateful for some habits gleaned from living on a boat—paying attention to the weather being one. We were at our destination and all set up by the time the predicted storm rolled through, and afterwards, when the bright sun peered out of the clouds, I wondered, Could there be a rainbow? Yes, there was! And not just one, but TWO.
There is a poem, The Rainbow Bridge, that gives me a lot of comfort these days, and the sight of a double rainbow was the Creator’s assurance that my pup is just fine.
It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed.~ Deuteronomy 31:8