I remember precisely where I was when this photo was taken—how could I not?—on a bike path at Hillman Ferry Campground in the Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky. I was thirsty and had stopped for a drink of water. I remember that the sight almost made me fall backwards when I tilted my head to take a sip from my water bottle—it was that stunning, and all I could do was stare for however long it remained there. All I remember thinking at the time that I was blessed to have seen something like this. After all, there were so many variables that came into play that particular day for this phenomenon to happen, let alone be captured in a photograph. The timing was right.
As our winter stay here in Rockport comes down to its final day, I’m filled with immense gratitude. The decision to come here was the right one for so many reasons, not the least of which was the situation this week with our pup Biscuit. I’m grateful to be reminded to be watchful and keep my eyes open because blessings are everywhere, if I only remember to look.
And from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. ~John 1:16