When I woke up yesterday morning, I did not know that I’d be putting my pup down less than 12 hours later, but that’s how the day played out. As I reflect on it now, I see that God was directing things all along the way.
A recent post shared that my husband had finally reached the point of accepting that Biscuit’s health had deteriorated so much that she would probably have to be put down when we got back home next week. In addition to reoccurring tumors, her back legs had quit working for the most part, and her quality of life had declined significantly over the past year. Though I had concerns about the multi-day, 800+ mile trip and it’s effect on Biscuit (who now had real difficulty getting in and out of the motorhome) I was just grateful that there was a plan in place for when we got back.
I was outside yesterday morning, washing off items that have been sitting outside in the salt air for the past three months so that they could be packed away, when our neighbor Larry walked up. He proceeded to tell me all about putting his own dog down that very morning, actually within the last hour. Like us, he had an older dog whose time had come. As I listened, I knew there was a reason that this conversation was happening.
Since both of our pups were seniors and in poor health, I often wondered what would happen if this (euthanasia) had to be done while we were on the road. I’m grateful I learned all the details gently, instead of being in an emergency situation. My neighbor gave me all the information I needed—location, cost, etc. I especially tuned in to the fact that the veterinary staff was compassionate. That meant a lot to me.
By the time he left, I was in tears. I went inside and told my husband about what I’d learned. Biscuit was ‘his girl,’ so I was going to let him decide what to do with the information, and to my surprise and relief, he called the veterinary clinic and made an appointment for that very afternoon. Since it was a first-come, first-serve clinic, we got our other pup situated and then left with Biscuit.
I cried all the way there as snippets of the past 14 years with Biscuit played in my head. She had literally walked into our lives after being discarded in the middle of the street in Fordyce, Arkansas. We had been in an antique shop when we heard some commotion outside. We went out to see a tiny, terrified puppy who appeared to have been recently weaned. She walked straight up to my husband and when he picked her up, it was love at first sight.
We ended up waiting in the car for two and a half hours, and that gave us some quality time with Biscuit. There was a nice grassy area nearby where she got to lay for awhile, and when the time finally came to go inside the office, we were ready. The entire process could not have been more lovingly done. Everything my neighbor said was true.
Yesterday was not at all like I thought it would be, and even though it was very hard to go through, I knew it had been perfectly orchestrated by God. Everything about the process—from accepting the inevitable, to a neighbor walking up out of the blue to relate his similar experience, to putting our furry baby in the hands of compassionate people—happened at the right time. I’m grateful for all the years with Biscuit, and that she’s pain free now. Even though I’m sad, I’m grateful for the way yesterday played out. It happened just like it was meant to.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28