Waking up to discover one of our pups had had an accident was not expected, but not entirely surprising given her age and physical condition. I’m grateful I’m past the irritation of getting up with her at all hours of the night and just getting on with whatever needs to be done to remedy the current situation—in this case, cleaning up the mess and taking the throw rugs to the laundromat later. I’m grateful it’s becoming easier to accept a situation rather than complain about it. I’m grateful to finally “get” that the only thing that can be changed about anyone or anything is my attitude and subsequently, my behavior.
Along the lines of acceptance, I’ve been working on accepting changes that are happening in my lifestyle—namely, no longer workamping in the summer, or doing much traveling to speak of. Not that I don’t want to; it’s my husband’s preference. It’s a bitter pill because I love everything about traveling: the places and the people there, the planning, anticipating, enjoying. I’m already missing it.
But if there’s one thing I’ve learned from practicing gratitude daily is that all I HAVE is to today, and when I live in sincere thankfulness for all I have today, I trust that tomorrow will be alright. However it turns out to be. I’ve learned that living in grateful brings peace and contentment in the present moment, and that’s quite a gift!
Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. ~Proverbs 15:16