If not for the habit of trying to practice daily gratitude, the mess I discovered in the refrigerator first thing this morning probably would have ruined my whole Monday. As it was, I was grateful for the drawer that the bag of partially frozen chili was in because it caught all the liquid that had somehow seeped out of the freezer bag. It was a mess, but not nearly the mess it would have been had I just put the bag on one of the shelves to defrost.
I noticed my attitude of quiet acceptance to the discovery—so very different from how I used to react in the past to unpleasant situations. What a change. I’ve been doing that more lately—noticing changes within myself. Most have been for the better, and I’m grateful for that. I’m cognizant of my behavior more often than not now, and that’s a definite result of gratitude. I’m so much more aware of my blessings, that the occasional, inevitable setbacks are accepted more easily. And that’s a blessing in itself, because that’s Life!
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, ~Ephesians 2:8