My love of writing doesn’t necessarily mean that I always have something to write about. Sometimes, when I can’t think of a topic to write about, I just get started on the day and hope an idea comes to me. Such was the case today, and for that I’m grateful. It used to be that I’d wrack my brain trying to come up with something, and when the right words didn’t come, I’d feel like a failure. I’m grateful I don’t do that anymore.
A cold front moved through making indoor activities attractive, so I’ve been baking this morning. I’m grateful that we already had all the ingredients for both a tuna casserole AND a Dutch apple pie, so I didn’t have to go to the grocery store. All the while I assembled what I needed for each recipe, gratitude was on my mind: for being productive, for using items alright on hand, for cooking things my husband likes, for keeping busy. In the middle of it all, my daughter called and we talked for nearly half an hour; I’m so grateful for our good relationship. Now I have a ton of dishes that need washing, and I’m grateful for that, too. It’s not yet noon, so I’m grateful to have all afternoon to play.
March is spring break month and Rockport’s been inundated with spring breakers. I’m grateful we had January and February to explore and enjoy this area because now I’d rather give way to the spring breakers and just stay close to home. I’m grateful for being able to entertain myself with knitting, reading, or even just puttering; I’m grateful for always being able to find something to do. I’m content with the ordinary.
Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. ~ Jeremiah 6:16