Gratitude for Laughing at Myself

In a very ironic twist of events, I forgot to post my gratitude blog about memory after writing about it the other day. All I can figure is that I put the piece on the back burner, perhaps with the intention of ‘tweaking’ it…and then forgot about doing that, too. I’m re-thinking that particular post since apparently my memory isn’t all that great, but I know that at the time I wrote it, I was indeed grateful for being able to memorize a passage from the Bible (an assignment for the Bible study I attend here at the resort.)

The realization of my mistake happened yesterday, immediately after posting the gratitude blog I’d just composed. Upon getting the “Published” notice, I caught a glimpse of what I’d written the day before, “Gratitude for Memory” in the drafts folder , and initially, my heart sank. I’m diligent about writing daily, and to discover I’d ‘messed up’ had the potential to stir up anger and self- condemnation. I can be so hard on myself.

But then, almost miraculously, I burst out laughing. It might have been the absurdity of a missed post ruining my day, but whatever it was, suddenly it didn’t matter. I just made sure to post it and chalked the whole episode up to experience. Laughing out loud diffused my self-deprecation instantly—and what a blessing that is. Laughter IS the best medicine!

About Maria

Hi there! Thanks for checking out Gratitude365, a project which I'm extremely passionate about. My life as as a full-time RVer, along with my husband Dave and two pups, Victor and Biscuit, is a dream come true. I'm very blessed to be able to travel the United States and meet people from all all walks of life. There's always something to be grateful about!
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