Yesterday I helped my friend learn how to attach photos to text messages and e-mails, and I had so much fun! I was grateful to be able to figure out her phone first (an android), so I learned something new myself. We had fun morning learning new things together.
There were so many cute moments! She found joy in simply learning the basics, like tapping on the photos icon to open up all her photos. We practiced taking photos, and she got such a kick out of learning how to take selfies! When I showed her all the options she’d have just by tapping on the circle with three dots or the greater/less than sign, you’d have thought I’d handed her keys to a treasure trove! Her joy-filled responses were precious to me, and I was overcome with warm fuzzies that made me happy all over. She’s a smart cookie and seemed to catch on to my instructions, so when it looked like she was no longer intimidated by the various symbols (because you can always “go back,” or at the very worst, turn off the phone completely and reboot) I left so that she could play.

The joy came around full-circle last night when I opened my email and found a message from my friend—with photos (plural!) attached. It made me SO happy that she was toying around with her phone and practicing and having fun! I’m grateful for the opportunity to help my friend and, in the process, learn something new as well. I’m grateful for the little things that make me happy!

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. ~Luke 6:38