Yesterday I washed our car and am grateful for the huge sense of satisfaction that gave me. I’m grateful the resort allows us to wash our vehicles at our site, even RVs, because the salt air is hard on everything.
I’m grateful my parents instilled the value of taking care of things so that they’ll last longer. That goes for everything, temporal or spiritual. If I want to keep anything in good condition—possessions, relationships, my health— I have to pay attention to it. That requires time.
Now that I’m on the downward slope of this lifetime, I don’t want to waste any time. Thanks to untreated ADHD, I almost always have to be doing something and, thanks to sobriety, it’s usually productive. While we’ve been here in Rockport, I’ve gone through every cubby and closet, weeded out things no longer worn or used, and taken at least four big bags of donations to the local thrift shop (NOT Goodwill.) Lightening my load is liberating, and I’m grateful when I can let go of material things that are just taking up space. In a 40’ motorhome, that’s important.
That being said, today’s project is sorting through mail and paperwork and filing. Except for routine things like housework and laundry, I’m caught up with my To Do’s, so there’s no good reason to procrastinate any longer. It’s probably my least favorite job, but the prize (more space/less clutter) is worth it to me. I’m grateful for appreciating what I have.
Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. ~Galatians 6:4