It’s not yet 7 a.m. and I’ve been awake for about five hours. Here I had planned to write today about finally getting a good nights sleep now that Biscuit was sleeping in the main cabin. It’s been about four consecutive nights. But that was obviously not meant to be.
I was initially awakened when Victor (our chihuahua) clumsily repositioned himself against me and promptly fell back asleep—but then I heard the unmistakable sound of Biscuit making her way from the main cabin into the bedroom. I thought, Ugh…so much for sleeping through the night, and then, Get up before it’s too late. Thinking of possible consequences was reason enough to get up, get dressed, and get her outside.
While Biscuit relieved herself, I thanked God for being able to get it together in time; it’s only been a little over a week since her barfing-in-the-bed incident, and I was grateful to have avoided clean up of any sort. She’s 14 years old and not in good health. I sometimes joke that we’re all seniors and just walking each other home. I love my pup, and I’m grateful I get to help her along.
While I was out there, I noticed that it was very warm. 70 degrees in the middle of the night in March, so I said Thanks! for that, too, as well as for the safety of this RV park at o’dark:30. I don’t take the blessing of being South for the winter for granted, especially as each year goes by. Nothing lasts forever, and I know our RVing days are numbered. That realization makes me appreciate what is and be grateful for the now so much more.
I never did get back to sleep, and that’s okay. I went to bed at 8:00 last night, so I’m grateful for having gotten some rest. It’s enough, at least for now. Rather than think of any lack, I think of the abundance of having that much more time today, and that puts a whole new spin on it. I am indeed blessed.
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. ~Lamentations 3:22-23