For several days I’ve been trying to learn a new app, one that enables editing of photographs. What I wanted to do—to simply add text to a photo—was not intuitive on this particular app, and I found myself getting more and more frustrated.
Whenever my daughter tells me about a challenge she’s facing, whether it’s business or personal, I always remind her that she is not the first person in the world to have that challenge, whatever it may be. Sure, the particulars may be different, but whatever the challenge is, it most likely has been confronted before by someone. Long story short: the answer is out there somewhere.
I’m grateful I take my own advice. Once I had had enough frustration, I was willing to search for another option. But I had to get to that point. Isn’t that the way it always is? At least that’s how it is with me: I have to continue beating my head against a wall before it occurs to me that my head hurts. (By the way, doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.)
The point is that I finally started researching options, and it didn’t take long to find the solution. It’s called Apple Markup, and it’s free (versus the $199.99 the other app would have charged annually.) I’m sure a similar product is available for Androids. I searched on ‘add text to iPhone photos’ and found just where I was looking for. I’m grateful for the mounting dissatisfaction that led me to look for options.
I’m grateful for all the times dissatisfaction has worked in my favor. It’s always stretched me beyond my comfort zone, and I’ve always learned something new. I’m grateful old dogs can learn new tricks.
The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. ~Proverbs 18:15