Missing an exit on the highway and driving a little out of the way the other day proved to be a God-wink as we passed a patch of bluebonnets gracefully carpeting a swath of highway median. What an unexpected blessing! For one thing, late February is early for bluebonnets to be appearing and, two, I didn’t know they even grew near the coast! “Oh, yes,” my backseat passenger commented. “You should see all of them in the cemetery.”
Sometimes I am awed by the seeming happenstance of events; I wouldn’t have seen the bluebonnets if not for missing the exit, and my friend probably wouldn’t have mentioned bluebonnets growing in the cemetery if we hadn’t seen them in the first place. Sometimes I have to chuckle at the mysterious ways in which God acts through us, and I’m grateful for the awareness.
Unsurprisingly, the knowledge that bluebonnets were in bloom and that they were prolific in the local cemetery hastened a trip there yesterday. To be among such wild beauty in such a solemn setting was so serene. So spiritual. Photos can’t even begin to do it justice, but I took some anyway.
I’m grateful that nature instantaneously lifts my spirits…for the surprise of an early bloom…and for the abundance of beautiful wildflowers. I’m grateful for the signs of spring, renewal and rebirth I’m witnessing all around me. The best is yet to come.
Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you. ~Luke 6:38