As if he read my mind, the president yesterday outlined his plan to end crime and restore law and order in America. It gave me hope for the future; that the craziness of today’s world would soon end. And I was very grateful because sometimes it seems only to be getting worse.
In my last post I lamented that what’s in the ‘news’ nowadays is just smoke and mirrors, puff pieces purposely designed and intended to divert the attention of We the People from what’s really going on: the march towards globalism, no matter the cost. The elimination of the middle class. One World Order.
Politics has never interested me, but right and wrong was firmly ingrained in me, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that there is definitely more wrong happening in America than right. Just an example, look at what defunding the police has done to what were once thriving metropolitan cities. It’s a tragedy that was purposely contrived to inflict pain and suffering on ordinary, hardworking citizens who pay taxes—there was never any good to come from such measures, so what were the lawmakers thinking? Obviously not for the good of We the People.
Thankfully, there is One who has all power. Justice is coming. I’m grateful that I don’t pay attention to mainstream media, but rather seek alternative news sources that bring to light what the others won’t. I’m grateful for the hope I got from listening to the president’s plan to save America yesterday. I’m grateful I have peace regarding our country. It’s truly in God’s hands.
Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.~Daniel 12:3