Yesterday I was blessed to have two very lengthy phone visits with friends, plus another with my daughter, who calls most days. Nothing lifts my spirits like hearing the voice of someone I love. Texts messages are ok, but they can be so easily misunderstood. Besides, between fat thumbs and auto correct, most text messages I send have at least one indecipherable word or two, making for even more messages explaining myself.
My circle of friends has gotten smaller as I’ve gotten older, and at first that bothered me a lot. I *know* many people, but I’m real friends with only a few. But this appears to be normal (I know because I researched it) and there have even been studies done on why it happens. It all has to do with how one views one’s own lifetime. There’s even a name for it: Socioemotional Selectivity.
The theory is that younger people—whose concept of time seems open-ended—prioritize goals that will help them in the years ahead. When it comes to connections, the more, the better because it might translate into a benefit of some sort some day, both business and personal. But when time is perceived as limited, as it does as one gets older, emotionally fulfilling and meaningful goals become more important. There’s no time to waste anymore.
All of that’s to say I’m grateful for my friends. They all know me very well and love me anyway. Thank you💞
We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28