Late yesterday afternoon my neighbor-friend came by to see if I wanted to go for a walk, and I was grateful for the invitation. It was a glorious day, the first after almost a week of cold, clouds and rain. I was grateful for that, too.
I admire my friend so much. This marks our 6th winter together in the same RV park, so we have a little history, as well as share a common nationality. She is much younger than her 80+ years would suggest. She is smart and interesting to talk to, quick-witted and, with the help her rolling walker, gets around quite well. She surprises me with her knowledge of pop culture, and even catches me off guard sometimes with a naughty comment or observation.
She said she had something for me and reached into her pocket, pulling out a foil candy wrapper. I unfolded it and read the message: “Keep life moving forward. Looking backward is only for time travelers.” I’m grateful for the good advice. My friend is a good example this—it’s reflected in her zest for life. Think about it: She’s 80 and still RVing. Makes me wonder if I’ll be doing this another dozen years…
I’m grateful for the people we meet along our journey, and if they turn into friends, even better. They add color to my world!
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. ~Isaiah 38:2