Currently, ‘here’ is the laundromat. My 17-year-old pup had an accident in bed the night before last, kickstarting a series of events dealing with some aspect of “clean up.” His mess, the duvet, my pillowcase. Him. And today, the comforter.
I’m at the laundromat we discovered just last week—the brand new one that’s ultra clean and ultra modern, where the machines may be operated via app! Anyway, I got an early start and was here before 8:30 a.m.
Before I even got the comforter fully loaded in the washer and set to go, one of the attendants approached me and announced that it was Customer Appreciation Day, and that there was free kolaches and coffee at the desk. As my Uncle Ray would sometimes say, “How about that?!”
Last week our wash was free because it was our first time here, and today it’s free kolaches and coffee because it’s Customer Approval Day. I’m grateful to be at the right place at the right time.
Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. ~Proverbs 27:1