Little did I expect yesterday morning that the most exciting thing that was going to happen that day was going to happen at a laundromat. Given the way the day began, I’m grateful the whole day didn’t go down the tubes.
Without being too specific, I’ll just say that an unexpected event at 1 o’clock in the morning necessitated the laundering of the throw rug that’s at the entrance to the motorhome (Biscuit barfed.) Practicing gratitude daily must be working because that was my immediate reaction as I guided poor Biscuit down the stairs (gratitude that the temperature wasn’t freezing, that it wasn’t raining yet as it had been forecast, that the upchuck was mainly water).
Laundering all our throw rugs had been on my list of things to do for days, but this incident catapulted it to Top Priority. There’s a small laundry room here at the RV resort, but I didn’t want to launder rugs in the same machines people launder their clothes. We decided to try a laundromat not far away.
Turns out it was a brand new facility, clean, brightly lit, with lots of machines capable of handling a variety of loads. I was especially grateful for the cleanliness. The attendant showed me to the washer that would be best for all my rugs, and then explained that there was an app that I could download, and that my first wash would be FREE. I looked at the washer and saw that it would cost $6.75 to wash my rugs. Okay, I’ll bite.
I’m grateful for the young people who realize that it takes us seniors longer to do anything when it comes to technology. The attendant was so patient as she walked me through the steps needed to get to actually starting the load, and what a handy app that turned out to be! I never imagined laundry could be technologically exciting, but it can. I find that amazing…and something to be grateful for!