I have been blessed with friends all throughout my life, and there are certain ones I still keep in contact with years after last seeing them. I just had a phone-visit with one, our first in many, many months, and it was as though no time had passed. We just dove right in and talked for nearly an hour, only stopping because my ear buds lost juice.
I’m grateful our friendship has lasted as long as it has—almost 30 years—in spite of both of us moving from where we’d originally met. Back then, we had a lot in common…like, living on boats in the heart of Washington, DC. Many, many good times were shared, leaving fond memories too special to forget. We eventually went our separate ways, but we have managed to stay in contact despite the miles that separate us.
We don’t have much in common anymore except for our love for one another. I can’t fathom her life, nor can she fathom mine, and that’s ok. We still manage to find lots to bond over. I’m grateful for all of the friends I’ve been blessed with throughout my life, even if they were only there for a brief season. Each one blessed me in some way, and I’m grateful for them all.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.~1 John 4:7