With the best of intentions, I bought a bag of apples a couple of weeks ago, thinking I’d try eating one a day. It seemed a doable goal; I like apples.
It didn’t happen like I planned. I only ate two or three and then promptly forgot about my good intention. But with the cost of groceries, I wasn’t about to let the apples go to waste. Then the thought came to me: Pie.
Just the other day, I was thinking of a restaurant in Marble Falls, Texas that had great pies, so maybe the thought lingered in my subconscious. At any rate, I thought making a pie while Dave was at an HOA-Zoom meeting yesterday afternoon would be a good idea. I thought I had all the ingredients, so I jumped right in and started peeling apples.
Have I ever mentioned that I have ADHD?
It does not serve me well when cooking. I’ll either get out all the ingredients I need and then forget to put something in. Or, I’ll dive right into making a recipe before making certain I have all the ingredients on hand, only to discover I’m missing something when I get to that part of the recipe. The latter is what happened yesterday. Twice, both involving sugars: first, running out of white and then not having any brown.
My seeming dilemmas always work out somehow, which I believe to be God working in my life. My neighbor had white sugar and Dollar General, just a few hundred feet down the road, had the brown. I was very grateful for both!
I’d never made this one-crust, apple crumb pie before, and I was grateful it turned out like it was supposed to! It felt good to bake and create again, despite the sugar hiccups. Making it made several people happy, including my husband and our neighbors, especially when vanilla bean ice cream was added. I’m grateful for good, homemade pie.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, ~Colossians 3:23