I’m grateful to have a couple of hours to myself every morning before my husband wakes up, thanks to my pup who has to go out at o’dark:30. I love the peace and quiet and seeing the moon and the stars, if the sky is clear. This is my favorite time of day.
Because the mainstream media spews propaganda, it’s a challenge to find truth in reporting, so I’m grateful when I finally do. This morning I discovered Michael J. Matt and The Remnant Underground, and was captivated right from the start with the topics discussed on this particular episode. Matt doesn’t seem to shy away from tough issues like what exactly caused Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrests on national television a couple of weeks ago? He is fed up with the cancel culture that’s chipping away at every American’s right to free speech. I love it. And I’m grateful for brave journalists like him.
Even though I haven’t been a practicing Catholic for decades, the likes of the globalist Pope Francis and all the priests involved in sex scandals still disgust me. Matt and Remnant News bring it to our attention because MSM probably wouldn’t. Until the plandemic and all that’s happened since, I never would have thought to connect any church to the elite and the World Economic Forum, but truth is coming to light about an insidious and sinister plan of depopulation through forced vaccination and everyone connected to it.
Finding what I believe to be a credible source of information is a godsend. It’s helping me to connect the dots to this movie that seems to be playing out before our eyes. I may not like what I see, but too many unexplainable things worldwide beg to be connected. I’m grateful it’s starting to happen.
Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58