Lately I’ve been following the daily growth of an offshoot of one of my succulents that first appeared December 30, not quite three weeks ago. Every day, it amazes me. It seemed to have appeared overnight, on a stem more than six inches long, both impressive attributes, I thought. Each day I admire its miniature stature and simple, yet elegant beauty.
This is the first time this plant has bloomed in the two years I’ve had it—and I know it’s because of nothing I’ve done. I barely remember to water it occasionally. Still, it seems to have gotten everything it needs, and then some! I’m amazed.
My flowering Urbinia purpusii reminds me of God’s grace and how it’s freely given to me, whether I’m working for it or not. It’s extended all day, every day. Whether I deserve it or not. And like my plant, I have everything I need, and then some. I’m very grateful.🙏🏽
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8-9