I’m very grateful to spend the winter somewhere that’s warm, especially since we live in a motorhome. Although it’s possible and we have RV friends back in Branson doing it, living in an RV is not fun when it’s really cold. Call me spoiled, but I love the creature comforts of warmth, running hot water and electricity.
Being somewhere warm means that we can open up and let in the fresh air, and I love that. We weren’t able to do this where we spent the past five winters, up in the Hill Country, because of all the cedar trees and my husband’s allergy to them—“cedar fever,” as it’s called—is awful. But now that’s not an issue, and yet another blessing to add to my gratitude list.
Yesterday was warm but too windy to spend the day outside, so we decided to do a little home maintenance—cleaning all the window screens and windows. I was grateful we worked on it together because we got it done in less than a couple of hours. He removed and cleaned the screens and I did the windows. I’m grateful that we have always made a good team.
What a difference our efforts made! The whole interior looked so much cleaner and brighter, the domino-effect kicked in and I spend another hour tidying up some more. But it was worth it. ‘Home’ is my favorite place to be, and I like for it to feel inviting.
This RV resort allows us to wash our car and rig right where we are—something our old resort did not—for a mere $5, so I’m grateful for that, too. Living where it’s warm in the winter makes all the difference in the world. We’ve got a list of things to do on the rig, and we’ll be able to work on them here. I realize just what a blessing being here is. I’m grateful.
Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. ~Ephesians 5:4