My second attempt at socializing here (the first being last week when I played Mexican Train) was yesterday when I attended the “ladies’ luncheon” with my next door neighbor, Rose. Just like the RV park we wintered at for several years previously, someone is in charge of putting together events and activities for the renters to foster fellowship. After all, we’re all here for three months or so.
Food always ensures good participation; there were about 16 of us yesterday. Upon arriving at the office where those going were told to meet, Rose and I met ‘Jean,’ who immediately commented to Rose laughingly, “You and I look almost alike!” Indeed, they both wore nearly identical blue-striped tops with three-quarter sleeves. Rose replied, “In my younger days, I never wore horizontal stripes, but now I don’t care.”
Seriously, who cares? What a great ice-breaker! We continued chatting until we were directed to go to Pat’s car—‘Pat,’ whom none of us knew—with ‘Anita,’ riding shotgun. Complete strangers, going somewhere, talking all the way. We were all from different places—Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Missouri—but RVing and wintering in Rockport, Texas blessed us with a lot in common! Before I knew it, we were at the restaurant.
We were the last to arrive and were seated at the end of several tables moved together. While I gorged on chips and salsa, I tried to listen to the conversations happening around me—as tends to happen when women get together. I learned about a good storage facility in Sinton, TX for someone looking to store their RV in the area and listened to the discussion of possible future bus trips to places like the Houston Rodeo, NASA, a casino in Louisiana and even Progresso, Mexico. I immediately assumed that my husband and I probably wouldn’t go on such trips because of our pups. But then I thought, I could offer to walk the pups of those who do want to go. That might be fun, and it would only be for a day. We’ll see. I also learned about a good hairstylist at a place in town called Beauty and the Beach. See what all I learned!
Our waitress was very competent, service was great, and our food came out quickly. The conversations continued, regardless. I listened a lot, and relayed to Rose what was being talked about since she was seated at the very end and couldn’t hear a word. Before we knew it, lunch was over, and Pat drove us back to the RV park. I think Rose and I were halfway expecting to go somewhere shopping afterwards like we did at our old RV park, but no. We came home.
Things I’m grateful for: Ladies luncheon was short and sweet and fun. I met some friendly people that I might like to get to know better, and I’m learning new things about this area we’re in. I’m grateful to be able to be willing to meet new people and converse with them, and I’m grateful to just listen sometimes.🙏🏽
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. ~Genesis 12:2